Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Evangelism - Ministering Fire Anointing

Evangelism is the heartbeat of God. It is God’s desire to save all men. Pastors have testified that after years of fruitless ministry, they return to their Churches and are seeing great fruit that they have not experienced before, after receiving the ministering fire anointing (fire impartation).

Education and training are good. In some cases, it is even required. However, without the ministering fire anointing, attempting to do the work of God will only lead to frustration, fear and despair.

In Churches today, some religiously-minded people attempt to put a stop to any new move of God that goes against their presumed knowledge of how God has operated in their own lives. This idolatry of the past causes people to react in fear as they try to defend God’s past behaviour. They do not realise that our God is a God of Life, and life is all about creating something new.

If we need to receive this ministering fire anointing, we need to allow God to remove our fear of man and we need to accept, embrace and walk through the dealings of God in our life. It is the heartbeat of God to fuel and transform His ministers into Flames of Fire (Hebrews 1:7).

Those who are flames of fire, are scorching Flames that set their surrounding aflame with the burning presence of God, the Consuming Fire. Just being in their old norm community (old wine and old wine skin) yield results in the congregation that years of training and effort had previously failed to accomplish. Hallelujah!

Bless you with this link...Are we flammable or fireproof? - Reinhard Bonnke.

Arsenal of Fire Global

May 13, 2020


The ebook ‘The Arsenal of Fire’ and 烈火军火库 is available vide the link below:-

I pray that this sharing will strengthen your faith and stir you to spread the Fire of God. If you have been blessed by the sharing of our blog articles and testimonies and desire to partner with us to spread this Fire, please consider sowing into this ministry. You may do so through the link below. We thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you!”

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