Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Carrying the Manifest Presence of His Glory 携带神荣耀同在的彰显

Galatians ‪1:11-12‬ (Paul Called by God) "I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ."

Paul was led to Arabia desert for 3 years to be taught by the Lord. Likewise, the Lord kept me isolated for a few years to train me in the spiritual realm. His calling upon my life was to carry the manifest presence of His glory in these last days in order to release His fire and glory.

In the beginning I sought after men to be my spiritual mentor. Unfortunately, my search was always in vain. I now understand the reason why I could never find an earthly mentor.

Who better than God carries the manifest presence of His glory? Who is able to train me to release the fire and glory besides the Consuming Fire Himself?

My work for the Lord is to carry the manifest presence of His glory and to release His fire and glory to cleanse and purify the people in order to prepare them to be the bride of Christ, pure and unblemished, for the Lord's return.

Bishop George who is an apostle and prophet gave me a word vide the link below:-

The article vide the link below provides insight to the purpose of cleansing and purifying by the fire of God:-

This is what Arsenal of Fire Ministries is all about.

Ps Paul (Frank) Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries
California, USA

August 29, 2017


加拉太书 1:11-12(保罗被神呼召):“弟兄们,我告诉你们,我素来所传的福音不是出于人的意思。因为我不是从人领受的,也不是人教导我的,乃是从耶稣基督启示来的。"





身为使徒和先知的乔治主教(Bishop George)给我一些话语,请透过下面的链接观看:





Friday, August 25, 2017

The Painful Process of going through Fire's Cleansing & Purifying

In our meetings, some people being burned intensely by the Holy Spirit's fire are fearful of coming back after experiencing the painful fire process of cleansing and purifying.
Our body is the Temples of God. Before it can host the manifest presence of His glory, the fire must first burn to cleanse and purify our body so that we can offer our body as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is our spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1). 

2 Chronicles 7:1-2
"When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. The priests could not enter the temple of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled it." 

In our meetings, the manifest presence of God is so powerful that some of the attendees have problem standing up. Read a testimony vide the link below:-

There is tremendous favour when our body hosts the manifest presence of His glory which is a very rare treasure (gift).

Proverbs 18:16
"A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great."

Potiphar saw that the Lord was with Joseph, and that everything he touched prospered, Potiphar immediately promoted Joseph and placed him in charge over all the affairs of his house (Genesis 39:3–4). Similarly, when Pharaoh saw that the Spirit of God was in Joseph and that there was none who was as wise and as discerning as Joseph, Pharaoh placed him in charge of the whole of Egypt (Genesis 41:38–41).

Time is short and our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon and He wants to fill the whole earth with His glory. The Mission and calling of Arsenal of Fire Ministries is to release His fire so that our body is counted worthy to host the manifest presence of His glory. 

The article vide the link below provides a deep insight on empowerment through cleansing and purifying by the Fire of the Holy Spirit.

Ps Paul (Frank) Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA.

August 25, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

A New Season for Arsenal of Fire Ministries 烈火军火库事工的新季节

God has been preparing us to reach out to the harvest fields in many nations. Our calling is to release His fire and glory and we have been waiting for His timing to walk into this calling. We have declined several invitations to speak to large crowds in different countries because we did not hear God say 'Go'.

Finally, God sent His prophets to speak to us that we are now ready to walk into this new exciting season in our lives.

On August 11, we were invited to minister in a Christian Home Fellowship at Sacramento, California. Both Ps Esther and I went with our team members and had the privilege of meeting several highly anointed men who were apostles and prophets who ministered to us instead.

They gave me the following prophecies which details what are in store for our ministries. This reminded me of how Saul walked into his calling; the lost donkeys led him to meet Prophet Samuel who then told him in detail what would happen when he went home (1 Samuel 10:2-7).

They released the words to us concerning our AOF ministry:-

 1. Write books and the books will be read by many.
 2.  God is using my testimonies to encourage others.
 3.  Our ministries are going global,
      The word "global" was mentioned five times.
 4. While I was looking for doors to open to small places for our ministries, God is saying that He has bigger platforms where He has set up for me to release His fire and glory.
 5. This is a new beginning and God says that I am now ready.
 6. That my business days were nothing compared to how He is going to use me from now on, for His glory.
 7. My health will be fully restored.

The words given to Ps Esther:

"You were asking God, as you were worshiping, you were asking God, for deeper deeper revelation, for deeper connection with Him. God is saying I am putting an unction, an anointing upon your life. Not just become an ordinary speaker of the word, one who carries a mantle, a mantle of deliverance. You have the power to deliver people from wickedness, from all sorts of evil. There is an anointing that you carry, because you came from a life that you saw everything you cannot think off. God said I made you see all these things because I am ready to use you, to go out there, and touch lives with the power of the blood, touch lives with the power of my glory, there's fullness.

God has anointed you. Put your hand on your belly, you are so anointed for deliverance. I want you to forget who you are, I want you to picture heaven right now, I want you to see an open heaven above, so that the things of the kingdom of God can be released into your bosom. Yes, now they are being released.

This is a Fire. Release it.  Loose. 

Fire!! This is the power of forgiveness. She has been there, that she is able to walk in this anointing, this fire is all over you, you are a mother to many,
let it go...breath in and out. That's it....let it go.

I know you are looking at the heavens, you are praying that prayer, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, your will be done.

You are walking in this great anointing. He set you apart now, this is your season. "

The book 'The Arsenal of Fire' is the launching pad for our AOF ministries. With the ebook available now in several platforms covering all regions, it is a clear indication of our readiness to be used to release His fire and glory and have the book reach many people to set them on fire for God.

All glory to God!

Bishop Apostle George

Apostle/Prophet John Locus and Remi

Ps Paul (Frank) Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA

August 20, 2017




在8月11日,我们应邀到加州萨克拉门托(Sacramento)的基督教家庭团契(Christian Home Fellowship)中服侍,叶再来牧师和我以及我们的团队一起参与。在那里有幸遇见了几位高度受恩膏的使徒和先知,他们也为我们服事。



1. 要撰写书籍,将有很多人阅读这些书籍。
2. 神在用我的见证来鼓励其他人。
3. 我们的事工正走向全球;总共五次提到“全球”一词。
4. 当我在为我们事工寻求打开小型聚会的门时,神说祂为我设置更大的平台来释放祂的圣火和荣耀。
5. 这是个新的开始,神说我现在已经预备好。
6. 相对于神从现在起将如何使用我,我从前做生意的日子简直不算得什么。
7. 我的健康将会完全恢复。



膏,因为在你所经过的生命路程里,你曾看过一切你无法想象的。神说我让你看见这一切是因为我预备好要使用你,差遣你用宝血的能力去触摸生命,用我荣耀的能力去触摸生命, 这将会满足。你在释放方面带着极大的恩膏火!!这是饶恕的能力。你曾在那里,所以你才能够在这恩膏里运行, 你全身都被这火充满着,你是多人之母。你正在这伟大的恩膏里运行。祂现已把你分别为圣,这是你的季节。




Saturday, August 19, 2017

Empowerment through Fire Cleansing & Purifying - Part 2 透过圣火的清洁和净化得着能力 - 第二部分

Galatians 5:17 says, "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish." (Verse 25) "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

We can't walk and live in the Spirit without God putting us through the fire to cleanse and purify us. Burning is a lifetime process as part of growing unto the likeness & image of Christ so that we can answer God's calling for extraordinary task (2 Tim 2:20-21). This is because God's great power and authority can only rest on a vessel that He has cleansed and purified.

We must be so purified that there will be an aura which is the light of His glory surrounding us and shining so brightly that even the forces of darkness could see the light (Mark 5:6-7, Acts 16:16-17) and light cannot be hidden.

I was having lunch with 3 healing & deliverance ministers of God when a man walked towards our table. He introduced himself as a Fung Shui master and said that he could see an aura above my head and that Jesus is in me. Another time when we stood at the pulpit to speak a church in Irvine, South California, a lady fell off her chair under the power of God, kept repeating that we are servants of the most High God throughout the whole duration of the service.

If the whole earth is to be filled with the knowledge and glory of the Lord, then God will have to put all of us in the fire to cleanse and purify all His Temples for Haggai 2:9 says,
"The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

May God brings all of us from the faith, power and anointing realm to the glory realm by burning us with His fire to cleanse and purify us, so that we can all truly walk and live in the Spirit.

Read on vide the link below:-

Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA

August 19, 2017

透过火的清洁和净化得着能力 - 第二部分

加拉太书 5:17 说:“因为情欲和圣灵相争,圣灵和情欲相争,这两个是彼此相敌,使你们不能做所愿意做的。” 第 25 节说:“我们若是靠圣灵得生,就当靠圣灵行事。”

如果神没有让我们通过火的清洁和净化,我们就不能靠圣灵生活,凡事顺从圣灵的引导。被圣火焚烧是一生之久的过程,是成长到基督的形象和身量的一部分,使我们可以回答神的呼召去做超凡的任务(提摩太后书 2:20-21)。这是因为神的大能和权柄只能停驻在祂已经清洁和净化的器皿上。

我们必须如此被净化,才会有一个光环,就是神荣耀所发的光辉,围绕着我们,并闪耀得非常明亮,以致连黑暗的势力也能看到这光(马可福音 5:6-7,使徒行传 16:16-17),这光是不能被隐藏的。

当我和三位医治释放的事奉者共进午餐时,一位先生朝我们的桌子走过来。他自我介绍说是一位风水师,能看见我头顶上有一个光环,表示耶稣在我里面。另一次,当我们站在南加州尔湾(Irvine, South California)一座教堂的讲台上证道时,一位女士在神的能力下从她的椅子上掉下来,在整个聚会里不断重复地说我们是至高神的仆人。

倘若全地都要充满主的知识和荣耀,那么神就必须把我们全部都放在火里,来清洁和净化祂全部的殿,因哈该书 2:9 说:






Friday, August 18, 2017

Empowerment through Fire Cleansing & Purifying

Shalom and greetings!

Writing is one of the ways I worship the Lord in the early, cool, most active hour in the spiritual realm - to praise and glorify His name by being a testimony for Him.

With my life fully surrendered to Him, the fact that I am still alive in this world today is merely by His grace and mercy. I desire nothing else in this life as the world has no hold on me. My only desire is to finish my earthly mission. There is nothing for me to be proud of or to be boastful about except to boast about His works in my life and how He is using a simple yielded obedient vessel for His glory. As such, the Lord has inspired me to write and share my experiences to encourage you.

It also answers some of the frequently questions posted to me.

The late Apostle of Fire used to share in his messages of how his hands would be burned by the fire of God that if he put his hands in a freezer, they would melt the ice. To understand about this burning process of cleansing & purification, please read Isaiah 4:4, Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:2-4, Matthew 3:11-12.

I am going through the same process like the late Apostle of Fire; the only difference being it is my feet that are burning intensely and the burning has gone deep into the bones of my hands. Those who have gone through such a process would understand the severe discomfort and the physical pain it brings. This, however, is the price I am willing to pay for my body to host God the Consuming Fire. Burning can also be part of a healing process.

In his teaching, the late John McLennan used to share that he was one of the four living ministers of God in this world who carried such a powerful fire anointing. I would prefer to use the word as in Isaiah 60:1-5 that the glory of the Lord rises upon him and he would look and be radiant.

I cannot verify that statement made by John McLennan but the one thing that I cannot dispute is the fact that I have yet to see another man of God who carries such an awesome manifest Presence of His glory.

If you desire to host this magnificent Presence of God's glory upon you and all over you, thereby making you a flame of fire (Hebrew 1:7), be prepared to go through the pain of the burning process. Read on by clicking the link:-

Bishop Apostle George gave me a message to write books.

All glory to God!

May this message bless you!

Paul (Frank) Ang 洪 光 炳
Arsenal of Fires Ministries,
California, USA
August 17, 2017



写作是我在清早空气凉爽和属灵境界最活跃的时间,去赞美和荣耀神的名的方式之一 --- 通过成为祂的见证。



已故的火的使徒曾经在他的信息里分享他的手如何被神的火焚烧,如果他把他的手放在冰箱里,会使里面的冰融化。要了解这个清洁和净化的焚烧过程,请阅读以赛亚书 4:4,撒迦利亚书 13:9,玛拉基书 3:2-4 和马太福音 3:11-12。


在他的教导里,已故的麦约翰牧师曾经分享过,他是世界上四位仍然在世并携带着如此强大的火恩膏的牧师之一。我更喜欢用以赛亚书 60:1-5 里面的字眼:耶和华的荣耀照在他身上,使他看起来容光焕发。


如果你渴望在你身上承载这令人羡慕的神荣耀同在,从而使你成为火焰(希伯来书 1:7),就要准备好经历痛苦的焚烧过程。请单击以下链接继续阅读:





Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hosting His Glory - True Humility

Jesus says in Matthew 11:29, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Are we willing to be humble enough for God to rest His glory upon us so that He can use us as His earthly vessels to do His work? If we are willing, our ministries will be more effective and awesome for He is the One Who works, while we rest in Him!

Moses carried the glory of God as he was a very humble man as stated in Numbers 12:3 "Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth."

In contrast, Saul disobeyed due to his pride and arrogance and the Spirit of God (manifest presence of His glory) departed from him (1 Samuel 16:14).

It takes humility to obey His voice. Obedience is the mark of true sonship. This is true humility in God's sight, and the measure of how much the King of Glory can live in us, depends on how obedient we are to do the will of God.

A man of God wrote:- “Humility has nothing to do with how much or how little money we have. Jesus said that He was humble, yet He possessed the universe and had all power (Matthew 11:29 NLT). The devil, on the other hand, has had everything stripped from him and he is full of pride (Isaiah 14:12-15).

Humility is exalting God and His Word and His plan above your own and willingly being obedient to all that He says. Jesus submitted His will completely to the Father and He was humble. In light of that, if we submit our will to the Father with willing obedience, then we too will be walking in humility.”

Arsenal of Fire Global

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Christian Home Fellowship in Sacramento

On August 11, I was invited to a Christian home fellowship in Sacramento, capital city of California. I went with our team and friends from AFM Chino Hills, South CA and Stockton, North CA.

At that gathering, we met Bro Remi, John Locus and my host's pastor Bishop George. They are apostles/prophets and we were so privileged to be ministered to by these highly anointed servants of God.

At their request, my ministry partner, Esther and I imparted the fire to Bishop George and Apostle John Locus.

Share below the audio/video of the words/prophecies given to me by Bishop George and his ministries to our team members:

Apostles/Prophets John & Remi

Among the Spiritual giants

Bishop George gave me a word:

Bishop George prophesied over me:

Fire Impartation over Bishop Apostle George:

Apostle John and Riah's prophecies for me:

A word for me from Apostle Remi:

Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA

August 15, 2017

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

God gives people dreams about our Ministry

We are constantly amazed at what our beloved Father God has been and is up to. He is so good and worthy of all our praise! He flings wide open doors that we never imagined walking into and He also gives people dreams about our ministry. Praise God!

On Jan 2017, we had the honor of ministering in Malaysia's biggest church, FGA. FGA is the forerunner of the charismatic movement in Malaysia.

On May 17 2017, God opened the door for us to minister at a women's bible study group in Jubilee Christian Center, which is San Jose's largest non-denominational church, and according to Wikipedia, has about 14,000 members. See link:-

After the ministries at Jubilee Christian Center, one of the Church's elderly Intercessor shared with me about a dream she had about two persons; one tall in height and the other shorter and both were engulfed in flame. Listen to her sharing through the audio link:

All glory to our awesome mighty Lord Jesus Christ!

Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA.

August 8, 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017

ebook on '烈火军火库' available on Apple's iBooks iTunes

My ebook 烈火军火库 in simplified Mandarin is now available on iBooks. You can read this book with iBooks on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or MAC.

An 88 years old prophetic intercessor shared her testimony about the book in a Chinese Prayer House in San Francisco Bay Area vide the link below:

A lady shared a testimony about the book in Los Angeles, video the link below:

The English version ebook is also available on Amazon Kindle Book Store and Apple's iBooks iTunes.

Ps Paul K. P. Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA

August 5, 2017

我的简体中文版电子书“烈火军火库”已经在 iBooks 提供。你可以用你 iPhone,iPad,iPod touch 或 MAC 里面的 iBooks 阅读这本书。



英文版的电子书可以在亚马逊 Kindle 书店和苹果的 iBooks iTunes 里获得。



Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Testimony of a medical doctor

Dr Samuel Wong, a medical doctor who specialises in spine & nerve in Calgary, Canada, shares two testimonies of being delivered through fire purification, cleansing and being blessed with the fire impartation to make him stronger so that he can have a more effective harvest (Rom. 1:11,13).

A doctor uses maximum capacity of his brain. Everything is scientific, never spiritual! For a doctor to acknowledge the power of God, truly He is the Lord, He is the Almighty GOD.

A swift spiritual revival requires God's consuming fire to burn and break even the hardest stubborn mindset and tradition, melt hardened hearts demolishing strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3-6) and bring an awesome transformation of lives. Jeremiah 23:29, "Is not my word like fire," declares the Lord, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock to pieces."

Praise God with all glory for His awesome work.

His testimonies :

Both his parents are pastors who planted the current church 37 years ago. They also planted two churches in Hong Kong.

Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA