Saturday, August 19, 2017

Empowerment through Fire Cleansing & Purifying - Part 2 透过圣火的清洁和净化得着能力 - 第二部分

Galatians 5:17 says, "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish." (Verse 25) "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

We can't walk and live in the Spirit without God putting us through the fire to cleanse and purify us. Burning is a lifetime process as part of growing unto the likeness & image of Christ so that we can answer God's calling for extraordinary task (2 Tim 2:20-21). This is because God's great power and authority can only rest on a vessel that He has cleansed and purified.

We must be so purified that there will be an aura which is the light of His glory surrounding us and shining so brightly that even the forces of darkness could see the light (Mark 5:6-7, Acts 16:16-17) and light cannot be hidden.

I was having lunch with 3 healing & deliverance ministers of God when a man walked towards our table. He introduced himself as a Fung Shui master and said that he could see an aura above my head and that Jesus is in me. Another time when we stood at the pulpit to speak a church in Irvine, South California, a lady fell off her chair under the power of God, kept repeating that we are servants of the most High God throughout the whole duration of the service.

If the whole earth is to be filled with the knowledge and glory of the Lord, then God will have to put all of us in the fire to cleanse and purify all His Temples for Haggai 2:9 says,
"The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

May God brings all of us from the faith, power and anointing realm to the glory realm by burning us with His fire to cleanse and purify us, so that we can all truly walk and live in the Spirit.

Read on vide the link below:-

Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA

August 19, 2017

透过火的清洁和净化得着能力 - 第二部分

加拉太书 5:17 说:“因为情欲和圣灵相争,圣灵和情欲相争,这两个是彼此相敌,使你们不能做所愿意做的。” 第 25 节说:“我们若是靠圣灵得生,就当靠圣灵行事。”

如果神没有让我们通过火的清洁和净化,我们就不能靠圣灵生活,凡事顺从圣灵的引导。被圣火焚烧是一生之久的过程,是成长到基督的形象和身量的一部分,使我们可以回答神的呼召去做超凡的任务(提摩太后书 2:20-21)。这是因为神的大能和权柄只能停驻在祂已经清洁和净化的器皿上。

我们必须如此被净化,才会有一个光环,就是神荣耀所发的光辉,围绕着我们,并闪耀得非常明亮,以致连黑暗的势力也能看到这光(马可福音 5:6-7,使徒行传 16:16-17),这光是不能被隐藏的。

当我和三位医治释放的事奉者共进午餐时,一位先生朝我们的桌子走过来。他自我介绍说是一位风水师,能看见我头顶上有一个光环,表示耶稣在我里面。另一次,当我们站在南加州尔湾(Irvine, South California)一座教堂的讲台上证道时,一位女士在神的能力下从她的椅子上掉下来,在整个聚会里不断重复地说我们是至高神的仆人。

倘若全地都要充满主的知识和荣耀,那么神就必须把我们全部都放在火里,来清洁和净化祂全部的殿,因哈该书 2:9 说:






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