Monday, September 20, 2021

Testimony of Prof (Dr) Jin Kim

I have been invited to speak twice monthly in the ‘Zoom Live Telecast’ hosted by Professor (Dr) Jin Kim and September 17, 2021 was my 25th speaking session.


A brief introduction of Prof (Dr) Jin Kim …


Dr Jin Kim is an engineer, graduated from University of Alabama Huntsville. He also graduated from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. As the President of California River of Life University, he is founder of River of Life Church International.


A former Communication Consultant at General Electric Information Systems, Dr Jin Kim was the former Senior Pastor of Korean Baptist Church in San Jose and a former Adjunct Professor at Regent University Divinity School. 


A powerful Evangelist and excellent Professor, Here is the link to a testimony of how we met in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2016:-

To God be the Power, Honour and Glory!


Dr Paul K P Ang

Arsenal of Fire Ministries, California, USA

AOF Global Ltd 


Sept 20, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021


God’s Revival Fire is coming!

A series of three Global Harvest & Global Revival Conferences will be organised by Revival Fire Movement, Malaysia (RFM) and Revival Fire Network, Singapore (RFN) to ignite and spread God’s revival fire across the entire globe. These conferences will be held on *every last Sunday of September, October and November 2021 at 7.00pm (+GMT 8).*

These Conferences are just a spark of greater things and glory to come. As in the history of past spiritual revivals, it is the awesome outpouring of the Holy Spirit which will draw the harvest. We are praying that these conferences will stir in us a hunger and thirst for the mighty presence of God to set us on fire for the great harvest.

Proverbs 14:4

“Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox come abundant harvests.”


Catch the Fire and be a part of this mighty harvest force! 

Spread the news to your friends.


God bless!


Arsenal of Fire Ministries, California, USA

AOF Global Limited, Singapore in partnership with:

RFM, Malaysia 

RFN, Singapore


Sept 11, 2021





来西复兴之火运动RFM)和新加坡复兴烈火网RFN)将举办一系列三全球丰收全球复兴特会,以点燃并将上帝的复兴之火遍地些特会将于 2021 月、10 月和 11 月的最后一个星期日晚上 7 点(+GMT 8行。




箴言 14:4











新加坡球烈火公司(AOF Global Ltd)与以下合作伙伴机





2021  9  11 


Friday, September 10, 2021

Greater Glory (Haggai 2:9)

Dr Brian J. Bailey wrote: - “There is a whole vast domain of knowledge in heaven that is going to be available to those who qualify. When we get to heaven, we will find that the very truths that we thought we understood on earth have a depth and profundity that we never even fathomed. The Apostle Paul, caught up into the third heaven, heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell” (2 Corinthians 12:4).

After returning from USA in 2017, God led His spiritual giants to visit and share with us deeper things in the Spirit. One of them was Dr Adonijah Ogbonnaya or Dr O, a Jewish Rabbi and professor and the other was Ps Mario. 

In his book, Dr ‘O’ shared that he had been levitated three feet above the ground for five minutes after calling upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. He taught that earth’s gravity cannot hold us as our body should be able to rise up and experience rapture - - a norm for children of the Living God. 


When Nancy Coen visited me for the first time in Singapore 2018, she greeted me saying, ‘both of us rapture daily.’


Traveling in the Spirit is a norm for God’s children through my own spiritual experience. Levitation or being suspended on the air, too will be coming back to the Church again as I have seen it in vision.

In 1943, David Walker preached. The glory of God came down and he was literally suspended on the air before everyone.

Listen to Dr O’s 8 minutes teaching on ‘Traveling in the Spirit Vs Astral Travel.’


To God be the power, glory and honour!


God bless!


Dr Paul K P Ang

Arsenal of Fire Ministries, California

AOF Global Limited in partnership with

Revival Fire Movement (RFM) Malaysia

Revival Fire Network Global (RFN)


September 10, 2021


Thursday, September 9, 2021

Global Harvest & Global Revival

Organised by Revival Fire Movement (RFM) Malaysia and Revival Fire Network Global (RFN).


Zoom ID: 899 9412 6109

Password: 017770


The missions of RFM and RFN ….


God bless!


AOF Global Limited in partnership with:-

Revival Fire Movement (RFM) Malaysia

Revival Fire Network Global (RFN)

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Biography of Dr Paul K P Ang

- Founder, Arsenal of Fire Global

- Founder, School of Fire Starters

- Ordained Minister, Arsenal of Fire Ministries California, USA

- Honorary Doctorate in Pneumatology from California River of Life University


- Trustee, Revival Fire Movement (Malaysia)

- Co-Founder, Global Revival Fire Network (Singapore)


Paul was born in 1950. He has three sons, a daughter, and three grandchildren. All his three sons were graduated from Australia, and his daughter is now an American citizen living in California.


He was baptized at Grace Methodist Church in Singapore on December 22, 2002.


In February 2006, Paul was ordained as pastor by Rev Liu Tsai Fang, Senior Pastor of Singapore Christian Prayer House. He was then ordained as reverend.


In 2004, Paul had a powerful life transforming encounter with God in a Chinese Seminary in California, USA. In a meeting, he saw the heavens opened right above him and rained down lightning and thunder; and the fire of God struck him like a lightning bolt and surged through his entire body, like 440 high volts of electricity. The next day a similar wave of high voltage divine power surged through him; imparting the Father's heart of God to him. These supernatural encounters transformed him from a successful entrepreneur to an anointed servant of God, a flame of fire (Hebrews 1:7).


Since then the divine fire surged through his entire right palm continuously almost daily for about a period of three years. He was taken up in the heavenly realm and witnessed the inexpressible glorious laser flame of God beamed through him. Paul was commissioned by the Lord with power and authority as a fire starter, and in obedience to God’s call, he became God's vessel to raise up other fire starters and ministers strongly in spiritual gifts impartation.


Through the leading and inspiration of Holy Spirit, Paul has documented his spiritual experiences in his book. The book of "The Arsenal of Fire" carries God’s fire and glory like Apostle Paul's handkerchief as recorded in Acts 19:11-12, "God did extraordinary miracles through Paul; so that even handkerchiefs and aprons touched by him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them."


The Calling of Dr Paul K P Ang


Watch this interview with the founder of Arsenal of Fire (AOF) ministry, Rev. Dr. Paul K. P. Ang, on how to receive God’s fire and walk in it. We will end the interview with the impartation of His fire.



The ebook ‘The Arsenal of Fire’ and 烈火 is available vide the link below:-


I pray that this sharing will strengthen your faith and stir you to spread the Fire of God. If you have been blessed by the sharing of our blog articles and testimonies and desire to partner with us to spread this Fire, please consider sowing into this ministry. You may do so through the link below. We thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you!”




- 环球烈火事工创办

- 烈火启动训练学校创办

- 美国加利福尼烈火事工神

- 荣誉美国California River of Life大学圣灵学博士学位

- 马来西之火运的委托

  Trustee, Revival Fire Movement (Malaysia)


- 全球复烈火网(新加玻)共同创办

  Co-Founder, Global Revival Fire Network (Singapore)






2004 年,保在美国加利福尼州的一所文神学院与神相遇,改了他一生。 在一次聚会中,他看到天向他开了,降下了闪电和雷声; 神的烈火如闪电击中了他,如同440伏特的大流涌入他的全身。 他被提上去,他看神荣耀的激光火焰穿透了他。 第二天,一波似的高神圣的大能再次涌入我体内; 神将父神的心赐给了保 些超自然的相遇使他从一个成功的企成了上帝的受膏仆人,成了神的火焰(希伯来 7)。


从此,神的火几乎每天都向他的整个右掌不断涌入,持了大三年的时间 主托付保柄与大能成烈火启服神的呼召,保神的器皿,被主使用来起其他烈火启着圣灵大能分属灵恩


的属灵烈火着神的火与荣耀,如圣记载着使徒保的手巾一 “ 神借保的手行了些非常的奇事, 甚至有人从保身上拿手巾或裙放在病人身上,病就退了,鬼也出去了” (使徒行 十九11-12)。



击链看烈火事工(Arsenal of Fire)创办人博士洪光炳(保)牧专访,了解如何受神的火并在其中运行。保将在专访结束前向各位分烈火。








Friday, September 3, 2021

Revival Fire Network (RFN)/烈火复兴网络

烈火复 (RFN)


新加玻城市宣教教会(City Missions Church 创办 Wee Tiong Howe 老是复烈火网的主席。复烈火网创办是:


1. Wee Tiong Howe老,新加玻城市宣教教会创办人,复烈火网主席,球烈火事工顾问


2. 洪光炳保博士,球烈火事工创办


3. 文医生/,金灯台国事工创办人,新加玻城市宣教教会会友


4. 潘保琳牧,金灯台国事工创办人,新加玻城市使命教会会友


5. Tan KJ 老,新加玻Grace Methodist教会,球烈火事工顾问


6. 詹立言博士/,砂拉越美里天井圣殿 611灵粮堂创办人及主任,球烈火事工顾问




来西之火运 (RFM) 主席 拿督蔡


- Yang Tuck Yoong,新加玻房角石教会主任









Revival Fire Network (RFN)


Elder Wee Tiong Howe, founder of City Mission Church is the Chairman of RFN. He also serves as Advisor to AOF Global Limited. The rest of the founding members of RFN are:


- Rev Dr Paul K P Ang, Founder of Arsenal of Fire Global


- Dr Daniel Phua, CMC & Golden Lampstand Ministries Int’l 


- Ps Pauline Phua, CMC & Golden Lampstand Ministries Int’l 


- Elder Tan KJ, Local Preacher of GMC & Adviser of AOF Global Ltd.


- Rev Dr Elisha Chieng, Founder and Senior Pastor of Open Heaven Tabernacle 611 Bread of Life church, Miri Sarawak & Advisor of AOF Global Ltd


Revival Fire Network is honoured to have the following advisors.

- Dato Chua Jui Meng, Chairman of Revival Fire Movement (RFM), Malaysia.

- Rev Yang Tuck Yoong of Cornerstone Community Church, Spore

- Rev James Lee 李科宏牧 (Chinese Ministry), founder of Bread of Life Church, Spore


More info on RFM Malaysia & RFN Singapore vide the link:-


God bless!


Revival Fire Network (RFN)


September 3, 2021