In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus told a parable of the talents, that whatever gifts God gives us for our calling, we must multiply.
To the one who multiplied, Jesus said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (Verse 23).

“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered. It is a command to be obeyed” - Hudson Taylor
Every believer is called to work with God in the different parts of the Body of Christ. When we commenced this fire ministry about 14 years ago, we were filled with so much passion to reach out and spread the fire of God even though we were confronted with severe resistance, being criticised and discredited by many Christians. We just obeyed the Lord and pressed in to our calling.
As a result of our faithfulness to do what He has entrusted us with, the Lord has blessed and enlarged our camp with the ministries expanded to several nations. The Lord has also blessed us with a School and Online Airwaves Broadcast to reach out to the world to spread the fire of God in order to transform lives. Our ministries have no lack of funding and resources.
Hudson Taylor also quoted, “God's WORK done in God's WAY will never lack God's SUPPLY.”
Awesome sermon by Reinhard Bonnke on “The Holy Spirit and The Great Commission”
We give all glory to God!
Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Global
June 1, 2019
把它埋藏在地里。当主人回来时,他把原银子还给了主人 - 一千银子(第14至25节)。主人称这仆人又恶又懒(第26节)并丢在外面黑暗里,在那里必要哀哭切齿了(第30节)。
“大使命不是一个可以考虑的选择而是一个需要服从的命令” - 戴德生
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