In 2017, we were invited to have fellowship with a small group of apostles and prophets in Sacramento, the Capital of California. Bishop George who is an Apostle and Prophet gave me a prophetic word for my calling; that I should write books unknowing that one of my books has already been published. Here is one of his prophetic word:-
It was awesome when the Lord showed up in the manifest presence of His glory during the introduction. The fire surged through some of the students of the School when they came forward to the altar to take a look at the book’s cover.
The book carries His Fire and glory like Paul's handkerchief as recorded in Acts 19:11-12, "God did extraordinary miracles through Paul; so that even handkerchiefs and aprons touched by him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them." Through this book, many in the Body of Christ have experienced the impartation of God’s fire and power and received their spiritual breakthroughs.
This book is inspired by the Holy Spirit. There are testimonies from people reading the book, who experienced a strong sense of God’s presence and anointing and they fell under the power of the Holy Spirit while reading it. The pastors who have experienced it were stirred up with a great passion to introduce the book to their students and the Churches.

The book was written with a threefold purpose: (a) To share my supernatural journey into the baptism of fire; (b) To share my walk with the Lord which is a call from Him to return to His basic teaching to love Him and be holy as He is holy so that my physical body is a worthy vessel to host His manifest presence; and (c) To impart an understanding and anointing of the ministry of signs and wonders that is captured in, but not limited to what is in The Arsenal of Fire as we yield to Him in love. Yes, God has prepared great “things” for those who love Him.
To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Global
June 2, 2019
"I pray that this sharing will strengthen your faith and stir you to spread the Fire of God. Arsenal of Fire is a faith ministry and we are supported by donations. If you have been blessed by the sharing of our blogs, articles and testimonies do support our Ministry by your love gifts via PayPal or Credit Card below. We thank you for your support and prayers. God bless! "
这本书就像使徒保罗的手巾在使徒行传十九章11至12节中所记载的那样带着祂的火和荣耀,“神借保罗的手行了些非常的奇事,甚至有人从保罗身上拿手巾或围裙放在病人身上,病就退了,恶鬼也出去了。” 通过这本书,许多在基督的身体里的人经历了上帝的火和大能的传授,并获得了他们在属灵上的突破。
这本书有三重目的:(1)分享我进入火的洗礼的超自然旅程;(2)分享我与神同行之路 - 领受祂的呼召,回到祂的基本教导,就是爱祂且像祂一样圣洁,好让我的血肉之躯成为祂合用的器皿,接待祂彰显的同在;(3)分赐对于神迹奇事之事奉的了解与恩膏,但也不局限于本书内容,只要我们在爱中完全降服,必蒙祂大大使用。是的,神已经为那些爱祂的人预备了美好的「事」。
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