Few years ago, I wrote an article vide the link below about the rapid changing time.
Never in my wildest thoughts have I expected that the Lord was moving so rapidly in our CKRM ministries that the Arsenal of Fire Ministries would be so smoothly set up in California. The IRS Tax exempt status was amazingly approved within 46 days of our submission.
Then, many ministry doors were flung wide open when we least expected them. The year 2017 began with a Big Bang. We were invited to speak in Malaysia’s biggest Church. While in USA, the Women Wing of San Jose’s largest Church invited us to speak at their Bible Study group.
We were invited to speak at a fellowship meeting which 25 American apostles, prophets, pastors and healing ministers of mixed cultures attended in Stockton, California and also were invited to preach and minister at a renowned and highly respected Harvest Seminary 丰收神学院 in the San Francisco Bay Area.
At our revival conference in New York City, two teachers from NYCGSSM New York City Gatekeepers School of Supernatural Ministry came to attend our meeting. One of them, Ellen Vecchione is Director/Principal of the School which is associated with Bill Johnson's Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California.
Prior to setting up the Arsenal of Fire Ministries in California, Rev David Wu, an American recognised and respected prophet with international standing gave me a word vide the link below that our ministries would be fearless, awesome and mighty like the four-faced creature.
This was confirmed by another prophet who was invited to visit us for fellowship, when he shared with me that the Lord had told him to come and see the four-faced creature.
Ezekiel 10:14 describes, “Each of the cherubim had four faces: One face was that of a cherub, the second the face of a man, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.”
A pastor spoke at our Church meeting to share that the current revival sweeping across America has a common theme that touches on fire and the manifestations of fire in healing, deliverance, miracles, signs and wonders, evangelism, intercession, prophetic and apostolic impartations.
So far none has touched on the arsenal of fire. The best is yet ahead. God's last-days warrior brides will be equipped wth the Arsenal of Fire (Jeremiah 50:25) for the coming season of revival. We can tell the enemy, "Resistance is futile". This revival is about transforming radical gospel persecutors into radical preachers of the gospel, drawing many radical preachers of other faiths to fearlessly preach the gospel in a last move to draw all nations to Him.
In these last days, God has released two of His most lethal weapons from His Throne Room - The Seraphim’s Fire and the glory of the Cherubim. The calling and Mission of the Arsenal of Fire Ministries is to release His fire and glory. Praise God!
Many pastors including highly anointed American apostles and other ministers of God have attended our meetings and testified of this awesome move and the works of God at the Arsenal of Fire Ministries in USA, to accredit our awesome work with God to release His Fire and Glory.
I share some of the words given and testimonies posted on videos vide the link below:
An elderly Intercessor from San Jose’s largest Church:
From Apostles and pastors at Stockton, California:
From Rev Dr David Wong of Harvest Seminary 丰收神学院, San Jose:
From Ellen Vecchione, Director/Principal of NYCGSSM New York City Gatekeepers School of Supernatural Ministry. The school is associated with Bill Johnson's Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Testimonies (video) from other pastors from New York City included:
From Bishop George, an apostle and a prophet in Sacramento, California:
From a spine & nerve specialist Dr Samuel Wong from Calgary, Canada:
From Ps Eric Westland who is an apostle in Stockton:
Divine connection with FGA, Kuala Lumpur
Praise God! All His works shall glorify Him!
Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA
October 14, 2017
几年前,我写了一篇关于时代快速变化的文章, 可以在下面的链接看到:
在我最疯狂的想象里也从没有想到, 主在我们的基督国度荣耀掌权事工(CKRM)如此迅速地动工, 使烈火军火库事工顺利在加州成立。我们向国税局(IRS) 提交申请免税身份后,令人意外地在46天内就得到了批准。
然后,在我们最意想不到的时候,许多事奉的大门就被打开了。 2017年以一个大爆炸开始。 我们被邀请到马来西亚最大的教会讲道。在美国的时候,圣何塞( San Jose)最大教会的妇女部邀请我们到她们的查经小组证道。
我们也应邀到加州斯托克顿(Stockton) 一个团契聚会证道,有25位不同文化背景的美国使徒、先知、 牧师和医治事工服事者出席。我们还被邀请到旧金山湾区(San Francisco Bay Area)著名和备受尊崇的丰收神学院(Harvest Seminary)讲道和服事。
我们在纽约市的复兴大会里,有两位纽约市当关超自然事工学校( New York City Gatekeepers School of Supernatural Ministry)的教师出席我们的聚会。其中一位,
艾伦(Ellen Vecchione)是学校的主任/校长;这间学校跟比尔强生( Bill Johnson)在加州雷丁(Redding) 的伯特利超自然事工学校(Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry)有联系。
烈火軍火庫事工在加州成立以前,在美国被认可、 受尊敬且具有国际名望的先知吳霆(David Wu)牧师,给了我神的话语(可以在下面的链接看到), 说明我们的事工将是无畏、 令人赞叹和像四个脸面的活物一样大有能力。
这已经被另一位先知证实。他应邀来拜访我们并一同团契; 他跟我分享说主告诉他来见那四个脸面的活物。
以西结书 10:14 形容:"基路伯各有四脸,第一是基路伯的脸,第二是人的脸, 第三是狮子的脸,第四是鹰的脸。"
一位牧师在我们教会聚会里说, 现在席卷美国各地的复兴有一个共同的主题,都提到烈火和在治疗、 释放、异能、神迹和奇事、传福音、代祷、 先知性和使徒性分赐传递中烈火的彰显。
到目前为止,还没有提到烈火军火库。最好的还在后头。 神的末日新妇战士将得到烈火军火库的装备(耶利米书 50:25)来迎接复兴的季节。我们可以对敌人说:" 抵抗是徒劳无用的"。 这复兴会把本来极端逼迫福音的人彻底改变成为激进的传福音者, 并吸引许多激进传讲其他信仰者去无畏地传讲福音, 在这最后一波复兴吸引万国归向神。

在这末后的日子,神从祂宝座上释放了两个最具致命性的武器 - 撒拉弗的烈火和基路伯的荣耀。 烈火军火库事工的呼召和使命是释放祂的烈火和荣耀。赞美上帝!
许多牧师,包括大有恩膏的美国使徒和其他事奉者, 参加了我们的聚会, 证实了这个令人赞叹的运动和神在美国烈火军火库事工的工作, 并认可我们与神奇妙的工作,去释放祂的烈火和荣耀。
纽约市当关超自然事工学校的艾伦主任/校长。 这间学校与比尔强生的伯特利超自然事工学校有联系。 见证里也有其他来自纽约市的牧师:
来自加州萨克拉门托(Sacramento) 的使徒和先知乔治主教(Bishop George):
来自加拿大卡尔加里(Calgary) 的脊椎和神经专家黄撒母耳医生:
在斯托克顿的使徒埃里克·韦斯特兰(Eric Westland)牧师:
与吉隆坡全备福音教会(FGA, Kuala Lumpur)的神圣连接:
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