We are now living in the most exciting times when the world is about to witness the greatest revival of all times. For the whole world to be filled with the fullness of God’s glory, the Lord is releasing His fire to cleanse and purify people and the Churches. Then, the glory will fill the temple (2 Chronicles 7:1-2). The Baptism of Fire will transform us into flames of fire (Hebrews 1:7).
A pastor who had read through my book, “The Arsenal of Fire” gave a five-star rating in his review.

The Youtube links below provide a deep insight on the reasons why God is releasing His fire.
https://youtu.be/l7-XsgjLdpA - a short powerful 5-minute teaching clip by Cal Pierce.
https://youtu.be/zLz2VERrg8M - Seraphim Fire by Prophet Neville Johnson
http://youtu.be/KWT7Cjy0niw - Baptism of Fire by Prophet Neville Johnson
When I spoke on the Baptism of Fire in the USA on spiritual hard ground, the Lord confirmed His word with signs accompanying. The fire of God surged through many of the attendees, including those who had never been shaken before.
During my sharing at a prayer meeting in San Jose, CA, an 87-year-old prophetic intercessor of the Prayer House shared her testimony about our book vide the link below:-
https://youtu.be/4gxdvLNc4C4 - Prophetic Intercessor on our book.
In New York, a senior pastor of a renowned New York 24-Hour Prayer House, who was the ex-professor of Guizhou University is using our book as a prayer devotional with a group of attendees. Praise God!
Ps Paul K. P. Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA
Oct 17, 2017
烈火的洗礼将使我们变成火焰 (希伯来书 1:7)
我们正活在最令人兴奋的时刻,世界即将目睹有史以来最大的复兴。 主正在释放祂的烈火来洗洁和净化人们和教会, 使全世界都充满祂的荣耀。然后,荣耀将要充满圣殿(历代志下 7:1-2)。烈火的洗礼将使我们变成火焰 (希伯来书 1:7)。
一位读过我的书“烈火军火库”的牧师, 在他的书评里给予本书五星级的评价。
他写道:"如果你一直以来只走在信心和恩膏的境界里, 现在是时候领受启示走进荣耀的境界! 在荣耀境界中行走的意思是携带或盛载神的荣耀。 在我们的身体可以配得盛载神荣耀同在的彰显之前, 神必须净化和洗洁我们(祂的殿)。
下面的Youtube链接提供了对神释放祂烈火的原因的深刻见解 。
https://youtu.be/l7-XsgjLdpA - 卡尔·皮尔斯(Cal Pierce)的五分钟简短有力的教导剪辑。
https://youtu.be/zLz2VERrg8M - 内维尔·约翰逊(Neville Johnson)讲解撒拉弗的火
http://youtu.be/KWT7Cjy0niw - 内维尔·约翰逊(Neville Johnson)讲解烈火的洗礼
当我在美国属灵刚硬的土地谈到烈火的洗礼时, 主用奇事伴随来证实祂的话语。神的烈火在许多与会者里猛烧起来, 包括那些从未被动摇过的人。
在加州圣何塞(San Jose)举行的祷告会期间, 祈祷之家的一位87岁先知性代祷者分享了对我们的书的见证。 请看下面的链接:
https://youtu.be/4gxdvLNc4C4 - 先知性代祷者对我们的书的见证
在纽约,一位著名的纽约24小时祈祷之家的主任牧师, 也是贵州大学的前教授,正在用我们的书与一群与会者作祷告灵修。 赞美上帝!
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