Sunday, October 8, 2017

Deborah Ong’s Testimony

In 2015, Rev Paul Ang asked me to see in the spirit as he held a copy of the book ‘The Arsenal of Fire’ before me. I described to him that he was holding a huge, bright blue sapphire with a fountain of fire and water springing out of it. I was glad to hear a confirmation of the testimony of this book worldwide, in its anointing, to be purifying and refreshing people's soul and spirit; and bringing healing and deliverance to many. This is precious because the warrior brides of Christ need to overcome all obstacles and rise up for the harvesting of souls soon.

Praise God for the ministry of Arsenal of Fire and the team supporting this ministry, especially His faithful servants Rev Paul Ang and Rev Esther.

On October 7,  I met with a fair bit of resistance just to attend the Saturday afternoon meeting. However, when I decided to proceed by faith, everything went on so smoothly. It was surprising that I could see Father God's hand upon me indeed. I came with the desire to be filled with the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit and also for healing on the left side of my body from the waist down to the feet. I had accidentally sprained my back and the Lord knew my desire so He chose to heal me with the flame of fire ministry. When Rev Paul Ang asked me to look at him, I saw flames of fire igniting, as those described in Rev 19:12 where flames of fire emit from Jesus' eyes, Wow! This is one awesome encounter that you all must experience with Jesus. After this the pain left me.

Deborah Ong

October 8, 2017

在2015年的一个聚会里,保罗牧师拿起他的书"烈火军火库放在我面前,然后他叫我用我的灵眼看着它。我向他形容说我看到他拿着一个很大很亮的蓝宝石,火和水从宝石中喷涌而出。我很高兴听到在世界各地对这本书的见证和肯定,借着在它里面的恩膏,净化和更新人们的魂和灵,给他们带来医治和释放。这是非常宝贵的, 因为耶稣的新妇战士必须克服所有的阻碍并且为了收获灵魂而站立起来!


在2017年十月七日,我想要参加CKRM的礼拜六下午聚会。可是我却遇到了一些阻力。当我凭着信心去参加聚会的时候,我得到了很大的收获。我很惊讶能看见父神的手的确在我身上。我带着一颗渴慕的心要被圣灵的能力充满也渴慕上帝医治我左边的下半身。我不小心伤到了我的腰。上帝知道我的渴慕,祂便用圣灵的火医治了我。当保罗牧师叫我看着他的眼睛时,我看见火焰点着,就如启示录19:12所说的"祂的双目如火焰"! 这是我们都必须与耶稣一起经历的奇相遇。之后我身上的痛就这样离我而去。

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