1. 中国大陆
箴言一吴国平的见证 10月17号
希伯来书 8:10
主又说: 那些日子以后, 我与 以色列 家所立的约乃是这样: 我要将我的律法放在他们里面, 写在他们心上; 我要作他们的神; 他们要作我的子民。
罗马书 12:1
所以,弟兄们,我以神的慈悲劝你们, 将身体献上,当作活祭,是圣洁的,是神所喜悦的;你们如此事奉乃是理所当然的。
1. Zoom Testimony 17Oct
Sister Wu from China.
This is my first time partaking spiritual holy communion. Ps Esther led us to partake by faith, i saw the bread and cup in the spirit. Due to my ignorance, before Pastor asked us to partake, I already finished the bread and the cup. When Pastor said let's partake, Lord Jesus gave me bread and cup again. Then pastor said partake the cup, I already finished it the second time, Lord Jesus gave me another cup, three times altogether. I was overjoyed! Lord Jesus said to me "you can have it often", He was satisfying me very gently. He didn't rebuke me because of my ignorance, I was very happy.
Ps Paul imparted anointing and giftings, i was very joyful and kept laughing for quite some time. When we were asked to raise our hands, and pastor wrote on our hands, then placed on our heads and hearts (Hebrews 8:10), row after row of Words appeared before my eyes and entered into my mind and into my heart, one row after another. My whole body was hot and my lips were numbed.
I also received Lion of Judah anointing. Pastor mentioned joy and healing anointing, I was filled with joy, laughter and tears. When pastor mentioned offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1), fully surrender to live for Christ, I saw myself wearing the same outfit, lying flat on an altar full of wood and the fire of God consumed my whole being from head to toe, huge and hot flame burning on me. Thank you God for accepting my offering and lifted me up. Hallelujah!
Hebrews 8:10
This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
2. 特会见证10月17号
以弗所书 2:13-16
你们从前远离神 的人,如今却在基督耶稣里,靠着他的血,已经得亲近了。 因他使我们和睦 ,将两下合而为一,拆毁了中间隔断的墙; 而且以自己的身体废掉冤仇,就是那记在律法上的规条,为要将两下藉着自己造成一个新人, 如此 便成就了和睦。 既在十字架上灭了冤仇,便藉这十字架使两下归为一体,与神和好了,
罗马书 12:1
2. Zoom Testimony 17 Oct
Sister Shao Bin (China)
I received much lights and understanding when Pastor Esther shared about the flesh and blood of the Lord, having reconciled on the cross pain and suffering, worries, torments, forgiveness and making peace with God (Ephesians 2:13-16). While partaking the spiritual bread and cup prophetically, I felt the thick presence of God.
During Ps Paul's sharing, I felt tightness and pain on my chest and upper left brain areas. I knew there are some cleansing to be done. When prayer began, the pain subsided, air was released from my chest. When pastor asked us to receive the anointing of joy, I was filled with great joy and laughed uncontrollably. I also received the Lion of Judah anointing. When pastor asked us to look at The Arsenal of Fire book cover and read its title, i felt heat over my body again. When we were asked to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God (Romans 12:1), I saw myself being completely offered to God on the altar full of wood. The whole meeting was filled with Holy Spirit's power and fire and it ignited my passion for the Lord once again, Thank you Lord Jesus for cleansing me. I am looking forward to receive more and also deeper encounter in the next meeting. I need more cleansing from God. All Glory to God!
Ephesians 2:13-16
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship.
3. Testimony Zoom 17Oct
Sis Anna (China)
I was ministering to a friend with depression; accompany her with bible study and with prayers. I experienced some disturbance especially the night before the meeting, sleepless and unrest. When pastor prayed and released the anointing, my body was cold and I eventually yawned several times.
I received with my heart the anointing of joy and The Lion of Judah. After the zoom meeting, while praying with few others, I felt a force coming forth from within me and i felt different from my past prayers. Did my prayer walk today and I could feel the power in my prayer released from my belly. Praise the Lord! Glory to God! I am now filled with much joy!
4. 宛玲見証
Testimony by Wan Ling
Many people have received. I was one of them. Many wanted to share testimonies. The new student whom I invited along has also received much and was very surprised. When Roar of the Lion of Judah was activated, my body began to shake, I might've fallen on the floor if there wasn't any support at my back. I started feeling heat from my hand and eventually all over my body and my whole body was numb subsequently. Then, I broke out in tongue and it changed from speedy to rhythmic, something which I have not spoken before. I felt peace and joy and was moved to tears. I am very thirsty and hungry for God. Praise the Lord!
Zoom Testimony November 7
Ps Jessica of AOF Stockton, USA
Attended the Fire & Glory Zoom Meeting last Sat. When Ps Esther shared about holy communion, I felt strong healing anointing flowing and thick presence of God's love surround me.
Then, as soon as Ps Paul appeared, fire poured down upon my head to toe, my belly began to stir, like a lion roaring silently within me...roarrr....roarrr... for multiple times in a row, the roaring sound penetrated and went forth to a great distance in all directions in the spirit, the shaking was as if like an earthquake. This happened at the same time when Ps Paul mentioned about The Roar of Lion of Judah.
Later while Ps Paul was praying for fire impartation for a brother, i stood up immediately and said, "Lord! I want it, here I am. I saw a vision of blue flame came upon me. It was very comfortable. I felt RENEWED after experiencing the anointing, full of power inside out. All praises to our Lord Jesus!
Zoom Testimony November 7
Last week in DR J KIM Zoom room, Rev Paul imparted unto me FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. It was like volcanic eruption right from the belly, spontaneously unleashed sounds of roaring, symbolic of a lion's roar with power & authority, this fiery sound was intense from within the belly, it continued for a while, I could feel it was a powerful & overcoming roar that has been released into the spirit realm, thus taking dominion over the dark world. The roaring coupled with concomitant holy laughter brought about a burning sensation all over my body, perspiring profusely.
Praise God, i knew upon receiving this fresh power and authority of God, it was meant for spreading end time REVIVAL FIRE sharing the gospels to save souls, confirming God's Word with signs and wonders, heal the sick & cast out devils.
We have a great commission to fulfill.
All glory to Almighty God !!!