In these last days, God desires to host the manifest presence of His glory on his temples (1 Peter 4:14), which are our bodies, like the dedication of Solomon’s temple depicted in 2 Chronicles 7:1-2:-
“When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. The priests could not enter the temple of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled it.”
God desires that we offer Him the highest spiritual act of worship by offering our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to Him (Romans 12:1). Like Solomon’s temple, the fire of God will come down to cleanse, refine and purify the vessels (Isaiah 4:4, Malachi 3:2-4, Zechariah 13:9, Mathew 3:11).
Hosting God’s manifest presence is a rare treasure that even demons could see when the manifest presence of His glory (light) is being hosted on a vessel (Mark 5:6-7, Acts 16:17).
My late beloved Friend, John MacLennan, carried such an awesome glory (manifest presence) of God that on one occasion, a waitress in a restaurant fell under the power of God when she delivered the meal to the table where John was seated.
Similarly, many years ago, while we were having dinner at a posh restaurant, two of our elders fell under the power of God. This is one similarity that both John and I have in possessing this rare treasure. We give all glory to God!

In Jerusalem where we were invited to speak, the hosting pastor, upon seeing that we did not have any notes with us, shifted the pulpit stand and was swept by the fire of God even when nobody prayed for him or touched him. In a mega-Church in a neighbouring country, the Church’s Eldest who was the lead pastor came to touch me and the fire of God threw him to the floor in front of the whole congregation (Luke 8:46).
God has a purpose, that is to display His manifest presence to the world so that the hearts of the people are opened and drawn to Him, that their faith is strengthened and believe that God is real ... John 11:40, Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”
God has a purpose, that is to display His manifest presence to the world so that the hearts of the people are opened and drawn to Him, that their faith is strengthened and believe that God is real ... John 11:40, Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”
My book “The Arsenal of Fire” was written with a threefold purpose: (a) To share my supernatural journey into the baptism of fire;(b) To share my walk with the Lord which is a call from Him to return to His basic teaching to love Him and be holy as He is holy so that my physical body is a worthy vessel to host His manifest presence; and (c) To impart an understanding and anointing of the ministry of signs and wonders that is captured in, but not limited to what is in The Arsenal of Fire as we yield to Him in love. Yes, God has prepared great “things” for those who love Him.
The eBooks are available in both English and Mandarin vide the link below:
We give all glory to our Lord. Peace to all of you who are in Christ.
Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Global
May 17, 2019
"I pray that this sharing will strengthen your faith and stir you to spread the Fire of God. Arsenal of Fire is a faith ministry and we are supported by donations. If you have been blessed by the sharing of our blogs, articles and testimonies do support our Ministry by your love gifts via PayPal or Credit Card below. We thank you for your support and prayers. God bless! "
我的书“烈火军火库”有三重目的:(1)分享我进入火的洗礼的超自然旅程;(2)分享我与神同行之路 - 领受祂的呼召,回到祂的基本教导,就是爱祂且像祂一样圣洁,好让我的血肉之躯成为祂合用的器皿,接待祂彰显的同在;(3)分赐对于神迹奇事之事奉的了解与恩膏,但也不局限于本书内容,只要我们在爱中完全降服,必蒙祂大大使用。是的,神已经为那些爱祂的人预备了美好的「事」。
PayPal 或信用卡以您的爱心奉献来支持我们的事工。我们感谢您的支持和祷告。愿神祝福您!”
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