“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death “ – Revelation 12:11
After my spirit was activated, I realized that even reading the Bible is no longer the same any more. The Word just came alive and jumped out of the pages of the Bible. I began to understand and grasp the word of God in a much more profound way. My morning devotional time with the Lord is one that I must not miss as I realized the more I prayed in tongues the more I felt the tangible presence of God and His fire is real. I then realized I was able to hear the Lord speak so much more clearly and as time went on the Lord taught me how to minister to my small groups ( Home Fellowship, Performing Arts Ministry and later Sri Sempurna International School teachers)
The Lord has equipped me to head the Performing Arts Ministry of FGAKL (in which I was appointed in October 2017 and my appointment as Chairman of Sri Sempurna came shortly after in November 2017). At the Performing Arts Ministry we meet every month for the specific purpose of ministering God’s tangible presence to the members and we started a Prayer Altar in early 2018. Many a time during these PAMily meetings the Lord’s presence enabled the people to be reconciled to each other and healing taking place and specific words was given by the Lord to each dear one. As such the productions that was presented in FGA in the Easter of 2017 entitled “ They Called Him Jesus” and “The Great Exchange” during the Christmas of 2018 took on a whole new dimension. There was such an amazing sense of unity in the Spirit of the team which consists of children from the age of 9 to adults the age of 70 all serving to the Glory of God. On one of the last presentations on the day before Christmas, one of our key cast members playing a major role who happened to be a 13 year old boy suddenly had a high fever. His parents had to send him to hospital as he was allergic to fever medicine. And during the same weekend my mother in law went home to be with the Lord and I had still had to hold the fort and stay strong during all the services for the team. Praise the Lord ...He empowered me with His strength to overcome all the obstacles which was put in my path to make me feel down and to distract me from my purpose. The night before the presentation I prayed to the Lord .....Lord ...Please heal Ryan as we need him to perform at the Christmas service. And The Lord gave me full assurance that Ryan will be well by the next day. And true enough Ryan turned up ...a bit later than the call time and the team prayed earnestly for him. When the time came for Ryan to come on stage his fever left him. Praise God for He answers our prayers just on time. The Lord Jesus touched so many lives through the impactful productions and many rededicated their lives to Christ and accepted the Lord.
In September 2018 , I was invited to Sri Sempurna International School’s annual teacher’s camp. And on the night before the camp my husband suddenly complained he had blood in his urine.( Which he has never experienced anything like this before) I sensed it was a direct spiritual attack as God was going to do a mighty work amongst the teachers. Hence I prayed for my husband intensely and within an hour the bleeding in the urine stopped completely. At the camp, the Lord enabled me to minister to 80 teachers, instead of them having a campfire outside, the Lord changed their plans and brought His fire down to the people’s hearts. We spent more than an hour worshipping and praying and allowing the Lord to do His work in the teachers lives. The next morning I took on a session which gave them an opportunity to share what they were going through as teachers in the school. In that one and
a half hours the Lord brought reconciliation between them and refreshed them in their spirit and brought a new sense of purpose of being a teacher in the school. This was the beginning of a work that The Lord impressed on my heart to transform the spiritual atmosphere of the school through prayer and intercession. From here the birth of a prayer altar was formed in the school.
To conclude, I want to testify that my life has been transformed by the Lord so much that I can now say truly I am a new creation in Christ.
“ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. – 2 Corinthians 5: 17
The Lord is so so good that He brought an art collector to me just this month and I sold this oil painting to her from the Love is Light series of my artwork.
All Praise and Glory be unto our Lord Jesus Christ.
All Praise and Glory be unto our Lord Jesus Christ.
June Lew
Chairman of the Board of Managers,
Sri Sempurna International School
August 21, 2019
Testimonies of our ministry in FGA, Kuala Lumpur:-
Arsenal of Fire Global
- 启示录十二章11节
在我的灵被激动之后,我发现到就连阅读圣经也不再相同。神的话活跃了起来,跳出圣经的页面。我开始更深刻的理解和掌握上帝的道。我早上与主的灵修时间是我不能错过的,因为我意识到我用方言祷告的越多,我就越觉得上帝的真实同在和祂的火是真实的。然后我意识到我能够更清楚的听到主说话,主也慢慢的教会我如何在我的小组服侍(家庭团契,表演艺术事工和后来的 Sri Sempurna 国际学校的老师)。
主使我有能力领导全备福音堂的表演艺术事工(我于2017年10月被委任,不久后在2017年11月我被任命为 Sri Sempurna 主席)。在表演艺术事工,我们每个月都会聚集服侍,把上帝有形的同在分赐给成员。我们在2018年初开始了一个祷告祭坛。很多时候,在这些家庭聚会,主的同在使人们能够相互和解。耶和华赐话语给每一个人,使他们得到医治。因此,在2017年复活节期间在全备福音堂上所呈现的“他们称祂为耶稣”和在2018年圣诞节期间呈现“大交换”的表演到了另一个全新的层面。正个团队非常的团结,其中包括从9岁的儿童到70岁的成年人,他们都为上帝的荣耀服侍。在圣诞节前一天的最后一次表演中,我们的一位扮演着重要的角色的主要演员,一个13岁的男孩突然发高烧。他的父母不得不送他去医院,因为他对发烧药过敏。在同一个周末,我的岳母回到天家,我仍然需要在所有聚会期间坚守岗位并为团队保持坚强。
赞美主 ... 祂用祂的大能使我有能力克服我道路上的所有障碍,沮丧和让我分心的事。在表演的前一天晚上,我向主祈祷 ... 主啊 ... 请医治 Ryan,因为我们需要他在圣诞节聚会中表演。主向我保证 Ryan 第二天会康复。Ryan 确实来到教会 ... 比演出时间晚了一点,团队为他恳切地祈祷。当 Ryan 上台的时候,他完全没有发烧。赞美上帝,祂回复我们的祷告。主耶稣通过表演触动了很多人的生命,许多人将他们的生命重新献给了基督并接受了主。
在2018年9月8日的 Sri Sempurna 教师营,祭坛召唤 .... 几乎所有人都向前来接受祷告。
2018年9月,我被邀请到 Sri Sempurna 国际学校的年度教师营。在教师营的前一天晚上,我的丈夫突然说他的尿液中有血(之前从未有过这样的事情)。我知道这是一个直接的属灵攻击,因为上帝要在那些教师身上动工。因此,我切切地为我的丈夫祈祷,并在一小时内尿液的出血完全停止。在营地,主让我能够为八十名教师服侍。主改变了他们的计划,他们没有在外面进行营火会,而是将祂的火焰临到了他们的心。我们敬拜和祷告了一个多小时,让主在教师的生命里动工。第二天早上,我让教师们有机会分享他们作为学校老师的经历。在那一个半小时里,主让他们和解,并畅快他们的灵,让他们有了新的意向。这是主开始的一项工作,让我通过祷告和代祷来改变学校的属灵气氛。从这里开始,一个祈祷祭坛就在学校设立了。
“若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。” - 哥林多后书五章17节
June Lew
Chairman of the Board of Managers,
Sri Sempurna 国际学校
我们在吉隆坡全备福音堂部的见证: -
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