Saturday, December 24, 2016

If God is for you, who can be against you (Rom.8:31)

Prophets had prophesied that Trump would be the next elected president. How could that be possible when all odds were against him?

Trump lost the presidential debates and the public opinion polls to Hillary by double-digit margins. All living former American presidents had opposed him; renowned celebrities and entertainers mocked at him; top party power brokers deserted him and all forms of global public opinion ridiculed him.

Trump had neither military experience, nor the experience of a politician or a diplomat; yet despite being surrounded by enemies, Trump won the election. These enemies have been so humiliated by Trump's winning that their lies about Trump are being exposed in the media globally, reaping what they have sown.

The large amount of monies that Trump's enemies used to discredit and slander Trump had no effect as God turned and changed all situations around for Trump to triumph.

If God is for Trump, who can be against him? (Romans 8:31). Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies (Romans 8:33).

God can use our enemies to promote us just like He used Goliath and not King Saul, to exalt David. David was just a kid with nothing but he became very famous after killing Goliath. This is God's humour and His foolishness is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength (1 Corinthians 1:25).

Sometimes, God may use these "Joseph' or Trump' experiences" to strengthen you and prepare your readiness to work with Him. Joseph was sold to Egypt as a slave by his jealous brothers to serve God's plan and purpose for his high calling.

Share our experience to encourage you...

If you are now facing a similar situation, rejoice for God is preparing your readiness to work with Him for His glory.

Paul K. P. Ang 洪 光 炳
Ordained Minister
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Last Days Warrior Brides

All Christians know that we are living in the end times. They see the signs around us. Churches have taught them about it. There are thousands of prophecies of His 2nd coming in the cyberspace but hardly any churches are doing His work to prepare the brides, holy, pure and unblemished for the bridegroom and to purify them by fire and revive their hearts from lukewarm to on fire for God.

The Fire Revival is to transform lives from being lukewarm to being on fire for God.

God has ordained and commissioned CKRM/AFM for this last days’ assignment of igniting the fire of revival and to impart the heavenly fire power of the Arsenal of Fire (Jeremiah 50:25) so that your ministry becomes more powerful and effective.

The part of God's ordained calling for us in the body of Christ is to raise up His warrior brides - a unique and powerful breed, a company of anointed believers who are unstoppable. God will purify this breed who will rise up and they will not seek man’s rewards, favour or approval. These precious ones are dedicated and set apart for His holy purpose to do extraordinary work for God.

2 Timothy 2:20
But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for extraordinary and some for ordinary.

2 Timothy 2:21
Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for extraordinary, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.

They will respond with full obedience to God's voice and they will not fear man. They will only serve one Master and they will not serve mammon, fame and fortune.

They will be so full of the Spirit that even demons could see the light of God in them like the demon possessed fortune teller girl in Acts 16:16-17.

The manifest presence of God (glory) will be rested upon them that their splendor will be like the sunrise; rays flash from their hands where the power of God is hidden as described in Habakkuk 3:4.

Isaiah 60:1
“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

Isaiah 60:2
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.

Isaiah 60:5
Then you will look and be radiant,
your heart will throb and swell with joy;
the wealth on the seas will be brought to you,
to you the riches of the nations will come.

Their faces will be radiant like Moses who came down from the fire mountain that the Israelites were fearful of glazing at his face.

2 Corinthians 3:13
We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was fading away.

Exodus 34:29
When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.

Exodus 34:30
When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him.

When they speak, they will speak the oracles of God with signs and wonders following. Many religious leaders and Christians will be offended by this group. God will lift these anointed ones to uncover and reveal the deceitful religious systems that are hidden in the church. This group will not trust in their own righteousness and they will walk with powerful anointing - cleansed and purified by the fire of God and they will be so drawn to their first love – Jesus Christ and they will be so consumed by the love of God, which conquers all. The love and compassion of Jesus Christ will come upon them and they will minister with the heart of God that will “bind up the broken-hearted; open the eyes of the blind; set the captives; and deliver those in bondages.” (Isaiah 61).They will endured much for His Name sake, being persecuted, rejected, accused, abused, misjudged and forsaken. But the glory of God will shine through them. “Christ in us, the hope of Glory.” (Colossians 1:27)

Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA 

A 2009 Testimony

Bro Mark,

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful reports of the work of the Holy Spirit during the Joshua Camp.

I sincerely thank Pastor Paul and Pastor Esther for freely accepting and blessing my family to enable us to operate in the anointing of the Holy Spirit!

When Bro Julian Ma first invited me, in my mind I was wondering which church in Malacca have I not been to, where God is moving supernaturally?

So I went to CKRM with much anticipation and hunger. There I saw signs and wonders happening right before my own eyes. As the meeting was coming to a close I was not singled out by Pastor Paul. In my heart I was praying: “God, please don't bypass me. I want to receive something from You!” Then Pastor Paul called me out to the Altar.

I raised my hands towards God but I was struggling to enter into His presence. Then I heard the word of God through Pastor Esther: "You have been there and you can experience Him now."

Immediately I was slain and the power that went into me was so great and wonderful. I had never experienced anything like that before in my entire Christian walk!

I went home sharing that encounter with my wife, Anna and our daughter, Lingli. I brought them to the camp the second day. It was the greatest and most wonderful encounter! From then on, there was no turning back. Both my daughter and wife were greatly blessed.

Upon careful checking on my T-shirt, I found the hole made by the stone released by Ps Paul - the cut was made from inside out! Hallelujah and praise the Lord! I am amazed by the power of God. My prayer is that I will be able to see into the spiritual realm when Pastor Paul says "In my hand are a sling and a stone" (1 Samuel 17:49).

                                                             Hole made by the stone

The next day, I went back to my church (which was claimed to be big). To me, big or small is not important. I want to experience the Big, Mighty God that we serve. During the worship, I observed my daughter was already soaking in the anointing of God as she was shaking. Later I was also flowing in the anointing and I roared like a lion (Amos 1:2, 3:8, Revelation 5:5, 10:3) and later, even prostrated in the awesome presence of our Lord Jesus.

Thank you, Bro Mark Tay that we met in this divine camp. I thank all the brothers and sisters too who were at the camp.

May God bless you all abundantly!

Bro Joel How

Friday, October 28, 2016

Power of Intercession

Intercessory prayer is the secret weapon of a Spirit-led activity. Imagine having intercessors as part of your team, committed in helping you make decisions in your spiritual journey that you may stand firm in whatever you do -all in the will of God.

In 2007, a prophetess gave me a word that God would raise up 120 intercessors to pray for me globally. I did not know that a great man of God in North America was upholding me in prayer until he wrote and informed me when we set up CKRM and blessed me with an e-book entitled, 'Jesus' Ministries'.

Our missions to USA in 2014 and 2015 were the preparation for our global ministry. The year 2016 saw the start of our global ministry where suddenly many ministry doors begin opening for us. It will be a very busy time for me and my associate and co-founder starting 2017.

Years ago, I have made a personal covenant with Him to effectively be frontline forerunner for CKRM/AFM with nothing to hold me back (1 Corinthians 7:8, 15, 32-35, Matthew 19:12). My co-founder, Ps Esther, has answered her call to be set apart like prophet Ana (in Luke 2:36-37- staying in the temple waiting upon the Messiah).  With the recent demise of her husband, she too, is also able to focus singly, to run and finish the race that He has specifically set before us. 

We shall obediently march forth in our covenant with God, offering our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to Him, as we are called according to His purpose. It will be a mighty, fearless and awesome journey ahead and God will lead more intercessors, prophets/seers to guide and protect us and the ministries. David had Prophet Nathan and a group of prophetic counselors in his life-time to guide him.

Thank God for sending Prophetess/Seer Elise to do the work like what Nathan did to David. Elise has proven her sharpness in prophetic vision and sees very clearly in the spiritual realm; hence she will act in that private capacity for us just like Nathan in David's court.

Ps Paul was preaching with Ps Esther in quiet intercession

Ps Paul K P AngArsenal of Fire Ministries, California,USA

代祷是一个圣灵引领活动的秘密武器。 想象你的团队里拥有代祷者,他们都是你与神同行的历程 忠诚的帮助你,好让你做什么事都能在神的旨意上站立得稳。

在2007年, 有一位先知给了我一个预言说神会在全球兴起120位代祷者为我代祷。我并不知道有位来自南美洲神的仆人一直在为我代祷,直到我们建立CKRM (基督国度崇高掌权)之后, 他写来通知我还给了我一本电子书名 为‘Jesus Ministries‘ (耶稣的事工)祝福我。那时我才知道。

原来2014 和 2015 年我们到美国的任务是要为我们全球的事工做好准备。2016 年我们就看到全球的事工开始起步,奇妙的神开始为这事工开门。我看到 2017 年将会是我和我的创办人还有团队忙录的时期。

好几年前, 我与神立了约,就是没有任何事可以阻拦我,成为CKRM/AFM (基督国度崇高掌权/烈火军火库)一个有果效的前锋者(哥林多前 7:8, 15, 32-35, 马太 19:12). 
我的共同创办人,叶再来牧师多年前回应神对她的呼召,把自己分别出来有如先知亚娜一样。(路加 2: 36-37 - 住在圣殿中为主的再来守望)最近她丈夫被主先接回天家, 她更能够单单专注的跑完神所指定给我们的跑道。

我们当顺服与神所立的约,向前迈进。将自己献上为活祭,是 圣洁的,是神所悦纳的,因为我们是按照他的旨意被呼召的 。这前进的旅程将会是个强大,无畏和很棒的之旅,神会带领更多的代祷者与先知来指导和保护我们和事工。在大卫王的生命中,他拥有先知拿单和一群先知谋士来指引他。

感谢神为我们派来了Elise,一位如同拿单一样,为大卫指引的先知(看异象), Elise 已证明她先知异象的明锐度, 并在灵界看得非常的精准。无可否认她将能扮演如大卫的拿单的角色。

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Spirit-led Connection - Ps Merreyl Whitney

Ps Merryl Whitney who lives in California, USA, had a dream two years ago about a prayer house located on top of a high-rise building in Singapore. Earlier this year, she came to Singapore and met one of our church members who invited her to meet up with me. Our church member had informed Ps Merryl that her church pastors would be going to San Jose in Northern California in the middle of the year. 

Ps Merryl came to visit us at CKRM Singapore located at the top floor of Manhattan House. She went to the window, saw the surrounding building and trees which was what she had seen in her dream. Praise God!

Saratoga is where Merryl resides in the city of San Jose.   

During our visit to California, we ministered together in revival conferences.

Ps Paul K P Ang
CKRM Christian Centre Ltd

Friday, September 30, 2016

2016 - Significant Year for AFM USA

In August 2015, Rev David Wu invited me to speak at a prophetic conference in his school in San Jose.  During my stay in the USA in 2015, I also attended a conference where I met Dr Jack Deere, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and Rev John MacLennan in Hilton Costa Mesa, California 2015.

After my return to Singapore, I had a dream of the Apostle of Fire, Rev John MacLennan, telling me that he was returning home. See Link:

Soon after, the Lord prompted us to set up Arsenal of Fire Ministries USA. AFM USA was birthed on April 4, 2016.  By faith, we returned to the USA on the 15 June 2016 without any ministry invitation. God miraculously opened many doors for us when we were there... in the San Francisco Bay Area ... New York, Oxnard, Simi Valley and finally Vineyard of Harvest Church, Walnut, South California. IRS USA also approved our Tax Exempt status for Arsenal of Fire Ministries within 46 days, instead of the usual long wait of six months. Praise God!

This was the stage in Walnut, California where the fire of God had surged through me like a tsunami in 2004. In 2016, Pastor Esther and I returned to this same place to minister with the fire of God.

We also ministered at the following meetings:


In 2014, the Founder & Chancellor of Agape Renewal Center, Walnut, California invited us to introduce our book. See link:

We are in the season of the greatest harvest that the world is about to witness for God to pour down His glory through the purification and cleansing on His people by the Baptism of Fire (Malachi 3:2-4, Zechariah 13:9, Matthew 3:11-12)! See link:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Recognition & Acceptance

Every human being desires to be recognized and accepted. If our answer is negative, we are either hypocrites or practice false humility. Children are pressurized to stay at the top in school in order to be recognized. 

Some take the radical step, like the young Apostle Paul, who rounded Christians to kill them thinking that he was doing God a favor, when he instilled fear and won recognition among the people. However, God saw him differently-as a willing, radical and fearless vessel. 

He made history through Paul by giving him a Damascus Road encounter (Acts 9:3). This encounter led him at the final stage to a superpower nation, ROME to preach the gospel.

Bill Johnson:  "It's easy for me to lay hands on somebody for impartation...but it's impossible to impart to someone my history with God. History is primarily in the secret place...when nobody is watching. If you'll make history with God, He'll make history through you."

I began my own journey on this stage in Walnut, California in 2004 and made my return 12 years later (2016) on the same stage together with my associate, Ps Esther.

May this message bless you with the courage to be a radical fearless believer, (not a lukewarm one) that God may make history through you! Amen!

Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,

Monday, September 12, 2016

Vineyard Harvest Church - Revisited after a full 12 years cycle

It was 12 years ago (2004) in this upper room on this stage (photo) that the fire of God struck me like a lightning bolt and surged through my entire body. Never in my life had I experienced such strong power coming upon me. I felt an electric current surging through my body for the next six to seven minutes. It happened during the teaching session by Rev John MacLennan known as the Apostle of Fire.

This building located in Walnut, California belongs to Vineyard of Harvest Church. It was leased to a Chinese seminary where I was attending a course.

From then on, that electric current would surge through my right palm almost daily for the next couple of years.

We were recently invited to join VOH's prayer meeting. Upon arrival, I was shocked and immediately realized that this was the building where the fire of God had surged through me 12 years ago. Since that first visit to their prayer meeting, we have been invited back again to minister impartation. Sept 7 was our fifth ministry in this Church and our first meeting held in the upper room where I was blessed with the fire impartation.

We have come a full 12 years’ cycle. Twelve years ago, it was John MacLennan ministering fire impartation in this upper room. Twelve years later, it was Ps Esther and me standing on the very same stage to minister fire impartation.

John MacLennan recently went home to the Lord on August 22, 2016, and a memorial service was held on September 18, 2016 at ARC, Walnut, CA.

Photo: With Dr Jack Deere (middle) and Rev John MacLennan (left)

I last met John MacLennan on July last year at Dr Ernest Chan's 50 years’ ministry anniversary dinner held at Hilton Costa Mesa, California. John MacLennan looked fit and healthy.

Returning to Singapore, I had a dream. In the dream, I saw myself standing on a pulpit ministering fire impartation in a revival conference with an awesome move of God. The Apostle of Fire, Rev John MacLennan and Internationally recognised prophet and much sought- after speaker, Rev David Wu, were at the conference. Then I saw John leaving the conference and when I asked him where he was going, he told me that he was going home.

I shared this dream in an email to David Wu in December, 2015 asking him to seek the Lord about this dream.

Ps Paul K. P. Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,

Friday, August 26, 2016

God's Favor on His Consecrated Vessel

“Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron to give him dignity and honor. Tell all the skilled workers to whom I have given wisdom in such matters that they are to make garments for Aaron, for his consecration, so he may serve me as priest.” Exodus 28:2-3

Thank you, Jesus for bestowing us with tremendous favor and blessings of dignity and honor for this 3rd mission trip to USA. For us to come and be accepted and warmly welcomed in this great nation, once a glorious country that has birthed legendary servants of God, the Lord bestowed us with an extraordinary gift to draw in abundant harvest and to usher us into the presence of the great.

Proverbs 14:4
"Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest."

Proverbs 18:16
"A gift opens the way for the giver
and ushers him into the presence of the great."

2 Corinthians 4:7
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."

2 Timothy 2:20-21
"In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for ordinary purposes and some for extraordinary. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for extraordinary purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."

When God rained down His fire on me to burn and purify me, it was for one purpose: to fill His holy temple with His glory (light) to accomplish and finish the mission that He has given me; just like the glory of God came down to fill the temple which Solomon dedicated to the Lord.

2 Chronicles 7:1-2 
"When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. The priests could not enter the temple of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled it.”

Wherever He sends us (our Arsenal of Fire team) the demons can see that our bodies are filled with the glory (light) of God.

Mark 5:6-7
“When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!”

Acts 19:15
[One day] the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?”

Acts 19:16
"Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding."

This is how the Lord testifies that He has sent us: John 5:36, " .... For the very work that the Father has given me to finish, and which I am doing, testifies that the Father has sent me."

God manifests His (glory) Presence in me as fire (the glorious or laser light or blue flame) that beams through my body. Indeed, He took me up in the spirit once to witness it for myself. It was to such an awesome extent that whenever I step into a meeting place, the place is set on fire with the awesome manifest glory of God.

His awesome Presence is how He introduces us to the people.

Exodus 33:14-18
"The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” And the Lord said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” Then Moses said, “Now show me Your glory.”

Joshua 3:7
And the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses.

My worship to the Lord is offering my body as a living sacrifice similar to how Solomon dedicated the temple to God.

Romans 12:1
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship."


Watchman Née: "Men do not choose to consecrate themselves to God; it is God who chooses men to be consecrated to Him. All who believe they are doing God a favor by forsaking everything to serve Him lack the insight of the meaning of consecration. Let them make a hasty retreat, for they are not the chosen."

What is the result of consecration? The result is holiness, for the fruit of consecration is holiness (Exodus 28). Deliverance from the power of sin comes not from the blood but from the Cross, while forgiveness comes not from the Cross but from the blood.

John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit–fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

J. S. Baxter quotes:-
What God chooses, He cleanses. 
What God cleanses, He molds.
What God molds, He fills. 
What God fills, He uses.

Ps Paul K. P. Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,

California, USA

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Brief Introduction of Our Ministries in USA..

A brief introduction of our ministries in USA...
When our team came to USA in 2014 and 2015, it was in obedience to prepare and pave the way for our ministries. Of course, coming to USA involved heavy financing but we personally funded our flight tickets although my own business class air tickets were generously sponsored by my son, George.
God is good, awesome and faithful to His willing and obedient servants.

Isaiah 1:19
"If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the best from the land;"

This trip, both Ps Esther and I are being hosted in a large, beautiful home located in an exclusive part of Saratoga, California in a wood fit for King and VIPs.
God has opened doors for our ministries and we walk into any meeting with the consuming, refining fire of God resting on us.

Isaiah 22:22
"I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open."
The hosts for the conferences and meetings, all well-respected and well-connected servants of God, could see the glory of the Lord resting upon us like a light that shines in and through us.

Isaiah 60:5
"Then you will look and be radiant,
your heart will throb and swell with joy;
the wealth on the seas will be brought to you,
to you the riches of the nations will come."

As God has made me a flame of fire (Hebrews 1:7) under the anointing of the fiery Lion of Judah, and upon Ps Esther, the anointing of the meek Lamb of God, we set the places ablaze wherever the Lord sends us, making us an awesome pair of the Lion and the Lamb ministries. 

His glory also shone upon the book "The Arsenal of Fire" as testified by those who have read the book.

Believers attending our meetings are respected pastors and key leaders who have been serving the Lord for a long time.

Proverbs 18:16
"A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great."

The Hall of Fame awaits us. This was His word given to us a decade ago in Joshua 3:7, And the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses."

In the world, fame is honored. But in the Kingdom of God, the king honors obedience. Fame is nothing. Obedience is everything. 

All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!

Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA.

July 26, 2016

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Amazing way on how God connects me to CKRM - Ps Katherine Kristin Low

Dear Ps Paul and Ps Esther,

I thank God for leading me to know you both and your ministry. It is such a pleasure and privilege to witness what God is doing, fulfilling His words in these last days through the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in your ministry.

I want to let you know that many times when I think about you and your ministry, a strong anointing and fire come down upon me. 

This is the first time I have ever experienced such strong anointing come upon me just by looking at a photograph at your website, even your profile photo on Whatsapp, and when you called my name. When I read your book, I fully understood what God has given to you.

The Lord has taught me that the baptism of Fire is a weapon. This is how I feel about your anointing- it’s offensive, powerful and destructive. It will awaken the spirit man inside a person and lift him or her to a different realm- the spiritual realm. It’s destructive to the work of the enemy and the flesh; it’s like when light comes in, darkness cannot stay. I only experienced this once before, when I met up with a person who saw Jesus face to face just a few weeks before I met her. The glory of God is upon her. And the Lord told me that the book Arsenal of Fire is a combination of the anointing and fire He has given to you, plus His Living Word! That’s why it’s so powerful. Every time when we read it, it’s as if we are given a spiritual jab or booster.

During a period of fasting and praying, the Lord taught me how to die to my flesh, body, mind and soul, and how to overcome my flesh and sinful nature by the power of the Holy Spirit. He required absolute obedience and taught me to listen to the Holy Spirit before acting or speaking. I remember Him saying 99% of obedience is equal to disobedience. Much later He led me to read I Samuel 15 about the fall of King Saul.

In 2015, the Lord sent me to reach out to 20 or more churches in the Philippines, as well as villages and barangays, conducting mini gospel crusades, revival meetings in churches and Pastors/leaders’ meeting. Many blind eyes and deaf ears were opened; legs that cannot walk for many years without support began to walk; many diseases and sicknesses were healed instantly. Those who have lived in deception of other occultic teachings began to open their eyes to see the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and gave their hearts to Jesus. It was almost a 100% conversion in every meeting. Most who came forward received both physical and emotional healing.

Many of the Pastors were touched by the Lord powerfully. Hearts were revived and they repented of their carnal ways. The Lord’s heart is really for the poor as stated in Isaiah 61.

Pastor Paul, the first time you spoke to me over the phone, you told me to come out of where I am right now and not to fear men. The third time I saw you in CKRM, you told me the same thing and told me to roar. I believe the Lord knows that after the previous church experience, I have a fear of being involved in human entanglement of power, position and carnal standards again even though I have answered His call to be a pastor and an evangelist. 

I believe the Lord wanted me to send you part of my spiritual testimony for you to know my spiritual experience/encounter and how I move with the Holy Spirit, and for you to see and confirm if it is God’s will for me to serve at CKRM church/ministry while both of you are away. 

The Lord told me that you will be one of my mentors during the 90 minutes when I was under the power of God; so please do give me advice on spiritual matters.

Thank you for taking time to read this.

The Lord bless you richly

In Christ Love,

Ps Katherine Kristin Low

Friday, May 27, 2016

God Introduces His Book with 'Signs & Wonders' 【上帝使用“神迹奇事”来介绍祂的书】

In 2014, the Chancellor and Founder of a renowned Chinese Seminary in California invited me to introduce our new book (Chinese edition) '   火厍'. 

Since receiving the first shipment of the books, there has been many supernatural phenomena. It is just amazing how God manifests His glory through the book.

Many believers including pastors, who have attended our meetings, have experienced the power of God surge through them when we introduced the latest book (English edition). Below are some testimonies:-

Ricky Thong wrote:

I would like to share that I feel a warm stirring while reading Ps. Paul's WhatsApp both yesterday and this morning. I have just finished reading Judges 7, where Yahweh spoke to Gideon to separate the 300 men, who used their hands to drink water, and how Yahweh used these vessels to fight victoriously against the multitudes of Midianites, and Amalekites.

I give All Glory to our Lord Jesus, for His revelation and anointing. Amen.

Anthony Tan wrote:-

Ps Paul’s book “The Arsenal of Fire” demonstrates clearly what Apostle Paul meant when he wrote “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.” 1 Corinthians 2:4-5. NIV

One night as I was beginning to read “The Arsenal of Fire”, I earnestly asked the Lord to touch me and to help to pray and worship Him.  And He did! I started to pray very loud in tongues and English and felt a surge of power flowing within me.  Praise the Lord! Our God is a God of Power and not just a philosophy.

The entire book speaks not just of power but also what is expected of a disciple of Christ; a disciple on fire for the Lord.  Chapter 10 on “Living a life, holy and pleasing to God " is awesome. The book is a constant reminder to remain faithful to the God of the Bible. The messages in “Arsenal of Fire” are a great help for me to be opened to the grace and power of God.  Thanks be to God! Thank you Ps Paul for being the instrument of God's fire today.

Ps Katherine Low shared with CKRM's congregants on May 14, 2016:-

I was invited by a friend to come to CKRM. I visited CKRM's website. Upon seeing Ps Paul's photograph, I fell to the floor under the power of God for 90 minutes. The Lord then told me to serve Him at CKRM. 

Ps Jeffrey Kumin wrote to us as follows:

"Ps Paul,
I feel heat all over my body right now and am a little drunk in the Spirit after seeing your photo holding your books and hearing your explanation.
Can anyone help to send a copy of the English version by courier service to Kota Kinabalu? Will pay the charges plus the book. Thank you! "

Ps Shehan's testimony:-

When Ps Shehan from Sri Lanka came up to the front to collect the book from Ps Paul, the power of God surged through him and threw him to the floor. This was witnessed by the whole congregation who attended the meeting. He was on the floor for about two hours. He later testified that the Lord took him in the spirit to visit many nations.

He wrote a comment in my blog article heading "Arsenal of Fire Ministries, USA"

"Amen! Ps Paul, you're a vessel or a power pack of fire. You are a power bank of fire. After your prayer of impartation, my life is never the same again. I am burning to see the glory of God filling the earth. Even while I am traveling in a bus, I am praying for people and witnessing. We're seeing many miracles taking place. God bless you and your team at CKRM!"

Nelson Ng wrote:-

The book is generally good in presentation and the quality is comparable to those from international authors.

Ps Paul K. P. Ang
CKRM Christian Centre Ltd




Ricky Thong 写道:-



陈安东尼(Anthony Tan)写道: -

保罗牧师的著作“烈火军火库”清楚地说明了使徒保罗在写到歌林多前书24-5的真正意义我说的话、讲的道,不是用智慧委婉的言语,乃是用圣灵和大能的明证, 叫你们的信不在乎人的智慧,只在乎神的大。”

一天晚上,当我开始读 烈火军火库”时,我恳切地要求主触摸我,帮助我祷告和崇拜祂。 祂果然成就了我的祈求!我开始用方言和英语大声祷告,感到我里头有一股能力涌动着。 赞美主!我们的不仅仅是哲学, 而是有大能的神。

整本书不仅讲权力,而且讲基督门徒的该有的质量;为主燃烧的门徒。 关于第十章"活出一个圣洁并讨神喜悦的生命"真的很棒。这本书不断提醒人们要忠于圣经的神。烈火军火库里头的信息对我是一个极大的帮助,并使我向上帝的恩典和能力敞开了。 感谢上帝!谢谢你·保罗牧师愿意成为上帝之火今日的器皿。

Katherine 牧师于 2016 5 14 日与基督国度崇高掌权基督中心( CKRM) 在座的会友们分享:-


Jeffrey Kumin牧师向我们写说:-



当来自斯里兰卡的 Shehan牧师走到前面,从保罗牧师手里提这本书时,上帝的能力从涌入他身上,把他扔击倒到地上。他在地上大约两小时。他后来见证说他在灵里被主提,到许多国家去拜访。



Nelson Ng写道:-

