Since receiving the first shipment of the books, there has been many supernatural phenomena. It is just amazing how God manifests His glory through the book.
Many believers including pastors, who have attended our meetings, have experienced the power of God surge through them when we introduced the latest book (English edition). Below are some testimonies:-
Ricky Thong wrote:
I would like to share that I feel a warm stirring while reading Ps. Paul's WhatsApp both yesterday and this morning. I have just finished reading Judges 7, where Yahweh spoke to Gideon to separate the 300 men, who used their hands to drink water, and how Yahweh used these vessels to fight victoriously against the multitudes of Midianites, and Amalekites.
I give All Glory to our Lord Jesus, for His revelation and anointing. Amen.
Anthony Tan wrote:-
Ps Paul’s book “The Arsenal of Fire” demonstrates clearly what Apostle Paul meant when he wrote “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.” 1 Corinthians 2:4-5. NIV
One night as I was beginning to read “The Arsenal of Fire”, I earnestly asked the Lord to touch me and to help to pray and worship Him. And He did! I started to pray very loud in tongues and English and felt a surge of power flowing within me. Praise the Lord! Our God is a God of Power and not just a philosophy.
The entire book speaks not just of power but also what is expected of a disciple of Christ; a disciple on fire for the Lord. Chapter 10 on “Living a life, holy and pleasing to God " is awesome. The book is a constant reminder to remain faithful to the God of the Bible. The messages in “Arsenal of Fire” are a great help for me to be opened to the grace and power of God. Thanks be to God! Thank you Ps Paul for being the instrument of God's fire today.
Ps Katherine Low shared with CKRM's congregants on May 14, 2016:-
I was invited by a friend to come to CKRM. I visited CKRM's website. Upon seeing Ps Paul's photograph, I fell to the floor under the power of God for 90 minutes. The Lord then told me to serve Him at CKRM.
Ps Jeffrey Kumin wrote to us as follows:
"Ps Paul,
I feel heat all over my body right now and am a little drunk in the Spirit after seeing your photo holding your books and hearing your explanation.
Can anyone help to send a copy of the English version by courier service to Kota Kinabalu? Will pay the charges plus the book. Thank you! "
Ps Shehan's testimony:-
When Ps Shehan from Sri Lanka came up to the front to collect the book from Ps Paul, the power of God surged through him and threw him to the floor. This was witnessed by the whole congregation who attended the meeting. He was on the floor for about two hours. He later testified that the Lord took him in the spirit to visit many nations.
He wrote a comment in my blog article heading "Arsenal of Fire Ministries, USA"
"Amen! Ps Paul, you're a vessel or a power pack of fire. You are a power bank of fire. After your prayer of impartation, my life is never the same again. I am burning to see the glory of God filling the earth. Even while I am traveling in a bus, I am praying for people and witnessing. We're seeing many miracles taking place. God bless you and your team at CKRM!"
Nelson Ng wrote:-
The book is generally good in presentation and the quality is comparable to those from international authors.
Ps Paul K. P. Ang
CKRM Christian Centre Ltd
当来自斯里兰卡的 Shehan牧师走到前面,从保罗牧师手里提这本书时,上帝的能力从涌入他身上,把他扔击倒到地上。他在地上大约两小时。他后来见证说他在灵里被主提,到许多国家去拜访。
Ricky Thong 写道:-
陈安东尼(Anthony Tan)写道: -
保罗牧师的著作“烈火军火库”清楚地说明了使徒保罗在写到歌林多前书2:4-5的真正意义“我说的话、讲的道,不是用智慧委婉的言语,乃是用圣灵和大能的明证, 5 叫你们的信不在乎人的智慧,只在乎神的大能。”
“烈火军火库”时,我恳切地要求主触摸我,帮助我祷告和崇拜祂。 祂果然成就了我的祈求!我开始用方言和英语大声祷告,感到我里头有一股能力涌动着。
赞美主!我们的不仅仅是哲学, 而是有大能的神。
整本书不仅讲权力,而且讲基督门徒的该有的质量;为主燃烧的门徒。 关于第十章"活出一个圣洁并讨神喜悦的生命"真的很棒。这本书不断提醒人们要忠于圣经的神。“烈火军火库”里头的信息对我是一个极大的帮助,并使我向上帝的恩典和能力敞开了。 感谢上帝!谢谢你·保罗牧师愿意成为上帝之火今日的器皿。
Katherine 牧师于 2016 年 5 月 14 日与基督国度崇高掌权基督中心( CKRM) 在座的会友们分享:-
Jeffrey Kumin牧师向我们写说:-
当来自斯里兰卡的 Shehan牧师走到前面,从保罗牧师手里提这本书时,上帝的能力从涌入他身上,把他扔击倒到地上。他在地上大约两小时。他后来见证说他在灵里被主提,到许多国家去拜访。
Nelson Ng写道:-
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