Monday, October 18, 2021

Testimony by Dato Chua Jui Meng

I watched our RFM Trustee, Dr Paul Ang’s interview this morning.


Earlier, I was praying in oneness with the Lord regarding Paul’s Arsenal of Fire Ministry.  Paul had prayed several times for me and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit was a jerking and a sudden shock with a sharp exhalation. I asked the Lord, if it is from You let the manifestation remain, if not take it away. Then I slept. 


When I awoke, I looked at this RFM Chat group and watched the interview vide the video posted at RFM. It’s amazing what the Lord has given Paul, the gift of a fire starter.


At the end of the interview, Paul made a short prayer of impartation. I had a rich infilling of the Holy Spirit with the manifestations that I described above. The Lord answered my query!! Yes, it’s from Him.!!!


Everyone in RFM must watch this video and one day if you are spiritually hungry enough you will receive the fire from on high. Some will be transformed from lukewarmness & others the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We will arrange for Paul to minister to us in RFM ie to those who thirst for more from our Saviour.


Dato Chua Jui Meng


Revival Fire Movements (RFM) Malaysia


Oct 17, 2021




Dato Chua Jui Meng was the longest serving Minister of Health for Malaysia. He was also a former Minister for International Trade & Industry.


He has devoted much of his time in evangelistic works since 2004 when the Lord worked and continues to work many miracles in him and in his family’s lives. He has shared his testimony and ministered in 14 countries. Thousands have come to Christ from his obedience to the Great Commission. The Holy Spirit has anointed him with the gift of personal and mass deliverance.


Dato Chua has a vision and passion to turn the hearts of the children of God back to obedience to our Lord’s Commandment for Unity & Oneness in Him, to love One Another and to do His Great Commission. He longs to see an unprecedented endtime harvest of millions of souls, through Holy Spirit empowerment preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God with demonstration of miracles, healing, deliverance, signs and wonders.


Indeed God will raise up a mighty army of endtime evangelists and witnesses in every nation.


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