Saturday, September 7, 2019

My Wonderful Experience with God at CKRM - by Bro Eric

Eric, who attended our School of Fire Starters in February this year, commented about his experience at the school :-

“The 7 days’ lessons were priceless. Only the highest diamond vessel could host God’s manifest presence so mightily and deliver spiritual lessons with such a great demonstration of God’s power. I believe him to second to none, especially for impartation to the warriors. I have listened to hundreds of international speakers, as my America pastor, Ps Rick Seaward was well-connected in the world arena, often bringing guest speakers of the highest international standing, yet I have never experienced spiritual impartation at this level.”

He shared his testimony:-

In Paris:
I was saved in 1979 and wanted to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. At Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris, on Good Friday, as I was waiting upon God to make good on my salvation, I struck a deal with God, that if He answered my prayer, I would to be a Christian. God answered my prayers through this man of God who was so on fire for God, He led me through the sinner’s prayer at 3am in the morning, on a freezing cold night on a bench out in the open. He tried to lead me to speak in tongue but it felt ‘fake’ so I decided to go on a water fast. On the fourth day, I was so emptied and hungered for God in the night. I started praying with my older sister. As I prayed I surrendered everything to God and only hungered after Him. Suddenly, the Presence of God hit the room. It was so awesome, I broke into the heavenly language. 

From Morris Cerullo Ministries in London, I saw great manifestations of God’s presence, power and anointing that flowed out to heal the sick. I began to seek for the healing anointing to heal the sick as I have such a burden for them. One night, I prayed so loud that it broke through heaven and the next moment, it was like 230 voltage of electric current flowed through my hands. It was so powerful, I felt at that moment as if I could tear down the whole building! 40 years ago, I shared at the  Malaysian Christian Fellowship that we can’t go to the battle field with WATER GUN. We would be shot down by the enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy us. And I experienced Daniel’s Lion Den experience where my life was hanging by a very thin thread with the devil constantly bombarding my mind to tell me to surrender to him as he was the chief of all principality.

At the Firestarter school, prophet Peter Daruisz from Poland saw me in the Lion’s den.” I was so shocked to hear it from him.

Peter had absolutely no idea what I went through. Peter said, “ I saw you in the Lion’s den, but it could not eat you.” Praise the Lord!  God kept me, for Satan was not given the authority to devour me but came close to push me to the brink of death. 

Attending several anointed conferences:-

In 1994, our church invited Rodney Howard Brown Ministries and we were turned upside down for a good purpose. Those pastors who were rather stern, were all brought to a state we had never seen before. They were either on fire or laughing for days and weeks, filled with the joy and anointing of the Lord. It was a very refreshing time. Prov 17:22, tells us, “ A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bone.” I was hit by the laughter too, as in the Joy of the Lord. 
I have sat under Morris Cerullo, Roy Duman, Ronnie Howard Brown, Dr Cho Yonggi, Lester Sumrall, Jim Baker, John Bevere and etc. The healing ministries were glorious demonstrations of God’s awesome presence n authority. 

My encounter with God at CKRM/AOF Global:-

Pastor Paul and Ps Esther’s calling are unique, a supreme class of its own. To be able to host God’s Manifest Presence consistently and grow from glory to glory speaks volumes of their lives in the presence of God.

I came to see Ps Paul around December 2018. He declared immediately after shaking my hand; that I am in the healing ministry, which was spot on for a man of God. Coming to CKRM was an eye opening and great experience into the glorious fire anointing of God. I was literally filled with bubbling laughter, as in the Joy of the Lord and drunk in the spirit for over a month. These really overwhelmed me, to press on for more and more fire as I could then release the fire anointing to who ever I came into contact with in the marketplace. Ps Paul has had very generously showered me with so much of God’s gifts, to operate in the ultra super high level faith life. For God says, without faith we cannot please God as He loves to shower, elevate and lift us into the realm of the unstoppable and the impossible; to be His witness to the world. I press on, despite the odds, and focus solely on Jesus to undertake the task that God has laid upon my heart. The faith, boldness and joy in God have translated into a great move in the marketplace. For example, one morning, as I was going to visit my older sister, within three hours, the Lord led me to connect and prayed for five people. God showed me that when we walked very close with Him, He can shower us with great harvest of souls. Each day we can partner with God in the harvest field, which is ripe for harvest. We can’t help but feel a great sense of gratitude towards God, and His great servants Ps Paul and Ps Esther for laying down their lives to be that channel of blessing to lift up many ministers of God who are weary, needing a touch from God to set them on fire again, to press on towards their high calling. Therefore, in conclusion, the fire starter school is indeed God’s platform and channel to lift the very elite of God above their lukewarm spiritual condition to set the earth on fire and prepare for His end time harvest in an ultra supersonic speed to usher in the coming of the King of kings. Be ever ready, Bros and Sisters. Live as though it is your last day. John 8:4,”while it is day time, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” 

In conclusion, we learnt a valuable lesson from one leprosy. Jesus healed 10 men from leprosy in Luke 17:11-19. But only one came to thank Him. We must be grateful and appreciative to Ps Paul and Ps Esther who have persevered against the odds through the years in obedience to their high calling and making it possible for us to enjoy the fruits of their labors. I am sure they were heavily tested in the desert before being released to their calling. I am thankful they extended their personal resources and time so that we can comfortably enjoy the luxury of a big penthouse at no cost to us. I appreciate the days and nights they persevered on;  lifting their heavy hearts and praying for God’s people to be equipped  as His warriors for the end time mission. Surely, we can’t simply take without being grateful. For much is given to us, so much is also required of us to be magnanimous towards our parents and leaders that God has placed above us to cover and protect us.  

Shalom, may our hearts be one in Him, as we stand behind our leaders, in one accord, abiding in Him, that we may find favor in our ABBA Father, who searches deep into our deepest inner chamber. May we be found pleasing to GOD.

Bro Eric

September 7, 2019

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