Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Baptism of Fire - Glorious Blue Flame 【火的洗礼 - 光荣的蓝色火焰】

Patricia King shared her view that at Pentecost, the disciples of Jesus were baptised in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongue but were not baptised in fire (Acts 2:2-4). She spoke that the baptism of fire is coming to purify the body of Christ. 

Several great healing evangelists have shared their testimonies of how the fire came upon them and transformed them into awesome healing ministers.

My own encounter with the fire of God transformed me completely. I was a man with a past filled with sinful living and a worldly business background needed a tsunami wave of fire to burn out all the impurities. God had to tear down my spirit of arrogance to keep me humble, and to mould me so that I could be a vessel for His use in greater measure (2 Timothy 2:20-21).

The fire that surged through me twice in 2004 was like a tsunami wave of lightning. There on, it continued surging me through my right palm almost daily for 3-4 years.  God took me up in the spirit to see that each time the fire surged through me, it was a laser blue glorious flame that beamed through me. Years later, God gave me the revelation that the blue flame was the fire of the Seraphim that purified the lip of Isaiah (Isaiah 6:6-7) which prepared him to be sent out, and that awesome blue flame purified and transformed me into a flame of fire (Hebrews 1:7) armed with God’s lethal ‘Arsenal of Fire’ (Jeremiah 50:25) which will transform radical persecutors of the gospel and occults, false prophets of Baal or even witches into fearless fiery preachers of the gospels.

Since then, God has used our AOF ministry mightily and there are many testimonies of this awesome fire of God. Here are some testimonies:-

I give all glory to God for His awesome works.

Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Global

September 17, 2019









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