Are you sent (Isaiah 6:8, Luke 9:1-2)?
A vessel sent by God will be anointed with power and authority. The power and authority rest upon the anointed vessel depend upon the measure of his surrender. William Booth quoted: “The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender.”
The anointing can be felt, and when you do feel it, you will know that it is God touching and empowering you for ministry. And the clear evidence that if you are anointed and sent, the word that you speak, has great authority if you are full of the Spirit (Luke 4:32) for God’s word is Spirit and full of life, living and active. Jeremiah 23:29, “Is not my word like fire,' declares the LORD, 'and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?”
Jesus taught with great authority that the people were amazed. Luke 4:32, “They were amazed at his teaching, because his words had authority.”
In our meetings, it is a norm to witness power surging through my interpreters and the listeners. When I shared a testimony of Kenneth Hagin to 40 pastors in a seminar in China in 2018 about the standard that God set for His disciples, most of the pastors were trembling on their seats under the fear of the Lord. Praise God!
For those whom God has sent, they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on them to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). This represents a seal of approval and certification of God. For instance, Jesus said of Himself, "On Him God the Father has placed His seal of approval" (John 6:27), meaning that Jesus is the One favored, chosen, sent, empowered and certified by God the Father.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit is extremely precious and desirable; it signifies God Himself being with you in your life and ministry or business. You can feel the anointing as it comes upon you and enables you to do things that you cannot do in your own strength, because it is the empowering presence of God (Acts 1:8).
Demonstration of the Spirit and Power will be displayed with ‘signs’ if you are full of the Spirit as in 1 Corinthians 2:4, “my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.”
When Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the word threw the king to the floor as in Daniel 2:46, “Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell prostrate before Daniel and paid him honor and ordered that an offering and incense be presented to him.”
Peter full of the Spirit, spoke with great authority that Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, fell down instantly and died (Acts 5:1-11).
When the anointing comes upon you with power and authority, you become a 'signs' which bears witness to the work of God. Don't be fearful of being a 'signs' for God because it is God touching and empowering you. Signs and wonders are God's signs which follow the preaching of the WORD.
Energy is electricity. Though you cannot see it, you know it is real when you switch on a light. The presence, power, Spirit and Glory of God is not an emotion that only those who are sensitive can feel. Energy is a power, a capacity for work --- like electricity and sound wave that you cannot see, but exists.
When the atmosphere is so charged, you can feel it because your human spirit is like a life-wire that the Spirit of God flows.
To God be the honour, power and glory!
AOF Global Ltd
July 25, 2024.