Saturday, January 9, 2021

God-given Vision


In 2005, I answered the vision of God, left a Methodist Church and joined a small Chinese Prayer house. Being a stranger and unable to understand Mandarin, I could not fit into the small group of Mandarin speaking elderly folks for prayer. Instead, I would take my afternoon nap.

After they had finished the prayer, the senior pastor would woke me to impart the fire of God to the few elderly folks. The prayer house became the platform and preparation for my ministry to impart spiritual gifts and the warrior anointing of the Lion of Judah through fire impartation.

From ministering in a small prayer house, God opened doors for our ministries to reach out to nations from the Atlantic Ocean to the end of the Pacific Seas. We spoke in three Fire Revival Conferences in New York City, few conferences in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. We were also privileged to speak for two nights in the Holy City of Jerusalem to pastors, leaders and worshippers. All glory be to God!

Jesus said:-

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” (Luke 16:10).

If God has called you to be a revivalist or a forerunner, answer to His call. Be true and faithful to what God has called and anointed you to be and walk worthy of God’s calling (1 Thessalonians 2:12). He will provide you with provisions, resources and fund.

Share this amazing four minutes testimony of Reinhard Bonnke:-

To God be the power and glory for ever and ever. Amen!


Paul K P Ang   

Ordained Minister (California)

Arsenal of Fire Global


January 9, 2021




The ebook ‘The Arsenal of Fire’ and 烈火 is available vide the link below:-


I pray that this sharing will strengthen your faith and stir you to spread the Fire of God. If you have been blessed by the sharing of our blog articles and testimonies and desire to partner with us to spread this Fire, please consider sowing into this ministry. You may do so through the link below. We thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you!”



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