Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Book ‘Arsenal of Fire’ - Dr Timothy Sng 【”烈火军火库“一书 – 提摩太医生】

Brother Paul,

As I began reading slowly (not rushing) your gift to the church "Arsenal of Fire", even at the first few pages, I am receiving great insights.

1) The verse 1Corinthians 2:9 confirms and affirms that the surrendered believer, whose love for God becomes a central part of his or her life, will receive showers of blessings, - even new things that man has not seen up to now; hence, Bro Paul's ministry of outpouring manifestation is unique. And, so I believe too, happened to me when you prayed for me, accelerated my own gift to write and publish 9 books in one year is astounding and mind-boggling even to me, the writer.  

Your ministry moved senior elder Dr Ng Soon Gan of FGA KL to present me with your book, two years before I met you. 

2) The verse Jeremiah 50:25, also on the first page of Arsenal of Fire also struck me as it tells of God's weapons of indignation, which when released is awesome in power, and that there is nothing man can do to stop it, way beyond man's control and defence. 

My thoughts went to California and Australia's uncontrollable forest fires, Africa's locust attacks and now this Coronavirus pandemics.

We have great power in our hands as Christians, when we put them together for prayer, and your ministry of signs of fire with baptism of the Holy Spirit is a manifestation of God's arsenal of power in us.

As I read your book again with open heart and mind and great anticipation and expectations, over a forty day fast, I am believing that it will be for me a powerful baptism and overflowing of the Holy Spirit and Fire from the Lord Jesus, even though already Holy Spirit baptised since 1985. 

Dr Timothy Sng
Pantai Hospital, Kuala Lumpur.
(Authored 9 new books of faith since April 2019)

April 26, 2020


The ebook ‘The Arsenal of Fire’ and 烈火军火库 is available vide the link below:-

I pray that this sharing will strengthen your faith and stir you to spread the Fire of God. If you have been blessed by the sharing of our blog articles and testimonies and desire to partner with us to spread this Fire, please consider sowing into this ministry. You may do so through the link below. We thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you!”

Arsenal of Fire Global


当我开始慢慢地阅读(不匆忙)你给教会的礼物 烈火军火库”,即使在前几页,我得到很大的见解。

1) 歌林多前书29的这段经文确认并申明,那些真正降伏于神的信徒,他们让自己对上帝的爱成为他们生命的中心,将会得到大大的祝福,甚至包括在人类至今未曾看见的新事物。因此,神赐于保罗弟兄圣灵浇灌彰显的事工是独特的。而且,我也相信,当你为我祈祷时,真的发生在我身上,提升了我原有的恩赐,在一年内写和出版九本书,这对我身为一位作者来说,确实是令我感到震惊。




当我以开以敞开的心,带着极大的期待和期望再次阅读你的书 加上40天的禁食,虽然我已经自1985年受了圣灵的洗礼,我相信我将经历一次主耶稣强大圣灵与火的洗礼。

神经科, 吉隆玻Pantai医院







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