Friday, February 21, 2020

Flames of Fire (Hebrews 1:7) - Part 2【火焰为仆役 (希伯来书一章7节)- 第二段】

To fulfil Habakkuk 2:14, the Lord has birthed end-time ministries to raise His end-time warrior brides-a unique and powerful breed, a company of anointed believers who are unstoppable. God will cleanse and purify this breed through the Baptism of Fire. They will be Torchbearers or ‘Flames of Fire’ (Hebrews 1:7) dedicated and set apart solely for His holy purpose. They will respond with full obedience to God's voice and they will not fear man. They will only serve one Master and they will not serve mammon, fame and fortune.

When they speak, they will proclaim the oracles of God with signs and wonders following. Many religious leaders and Christians will be offended by this group. God will lift these anointed ones to uncover and expose the deceitful religious systems that are hidden in the church. This group will not trust in their own righteousness but they will walk with a powerful anointing - cleansed and purified by the fire of God and they will be so drawn to their first love – Jesus Christ, totally consumed by the love of God, which conquers all. The love and compassion of Jesus Christ will come upon them and they will minister with the heart of God that will “bind up the broken-hearted; open the eyes of the blind; set the captives free; and deliver those in bondages.” (Isaiah 61). They will endure much for His Name's sake, being persecuted, rejected, accused, abused, misjudged and forsaken. But the glory of God will shine through them as promised: "To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).

The Rise of the Torchbearers - by Daneen Bottler

“There is a great transitioning happening in the Kingdom of God right now. We are witnessing along with the great cloud of witnesses, the appointed time of passing of the torches. There is a new set of torchbearers that have been raised up, those that have been set apart, trained and are pure in heart. This new company of torchbearers are about to be revealed and positioned for receiving the greatest honor of carrying the torches of the weighty glory and fire of the Lord.

You will recognize these torchbearers because they will be marked as catalysts bringing the pure powerful fire of God into the darkest of places. They will lead Believers on the narrow path. They won't make excuses or walk with hidden agendas, but with hearts laid bare, they will illuminate the way of the Lord and ignite the hearts of the nations with the fire of God.

"Arise torchbearers, take your place in the great race! The time for the handoff has come. Fear not, for I the Lord, have honored you by choosing to bring you now to the forefront. I Am, is with you."

"Your hidden season is over. Your training in the fire has been completed and now having been tested and approved, you will carry the weight and greater measure of My glory fire to the nations. You will ignite every heart in your path and awaken My people with My glory fire, says the Lord Almighty. For I have commissioned you to lead and mobilize My people into this new season of My greater glory!"

Arsenal of Fire Global

Feb 21, 2020

为了履行哈巴谷书二章14节,耶和华诞生了末世事工来兴起祂末世的新妇 - 一个独特而强大的品种,一群势不可挡受膏的信徒。上帝将通过火的洗礼来洁净和净化这个品种。他们将成为火炬手或“火焰仆役”(希伯来书一章7节),为祂圣洁的目的而分别为圣。他们将完全顺从上帝的声音,并且不会惧怕人。他们只会服侍一位主人,而不会为玛蒙,名声和财富服务。

当他们讲话时,他们会以跟随神迹和奇事的方式宣扬上帝的圣言。许多宗教领袖和基督徒将被这个团体冒犯。上帝会用这些受膏者来揭露隐藏在教会中的欺骗性宗教制度。这群人不会相信自己的公义,但他们会带着强大的恩膏行走 - 被神的火洁净和净化,他们会被初恋所吸引 - 耶稣基督,被神的爱完全消耗,征服了所有。耶稣基督的爱与怜悯将降临在他们身上,他们将以上帝的心服侍,这将“医好伤心的人;打开瞎眼的眼睛;释放俘虏并拯救被俘的。” (以赛亚书六十一章)。他们会因他的名字而遭受极大的折磨,被逼迫,被拒绝,被指控,被滥用,被误判和被遗弃。但是上帝的荣耀将照着应许照耀在他们身上:神愿意叫他们知道,这奥秘在外邦人中有何等丰盛的荣耀,就是基督在你们心里成了有荣耀的盼望(歌罗西书一章27节) 。

火炬手的崛起 - Daneen Bottler







Friday, February 14, 2020

Financial Harvest 【财务丰收】

Rev (Prophet) Alvin Cheah’s prophecy given to me in 2017 about raising business leaders was a confirmation of Naresh’s prophecies to me in 2012.

I can only impart what I have been given - the God-given business talent and my past business experience as an entrepreneur. 

God has blessed my family too, as I witness His work of raising my eldest son George in business and his recent acquisition of the renowned A&W Malaysia...

As per Prophet Naresh’s prophecies, God has ordained me to raise up businessmen and women who will bring in a huge financial harvest for His end-time purpose. I believe this prophecy will come to pass as I have also been given dreams of the same. I felt in my spirit to share Prophet Naresh’s prophecy vide the link which God may use it to speak to some of the readers of this article.

It was my first time meeting Prophet Naresh who knew nothing about my heart disorder. After releasing the prophecies to Ps Esther and me, he handed me the microphone requested prayer from me. The fire surged through him and threw him to the floor before I could even finish the 2nd sentence, praying over him. With him on the floor, his host then told me to minister to the congregants. 

All glory to God!

Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Global

Feb 14, 2020

牧师(先知)Alvin Cheah2017年向我发的关于培养商业领袖的预言证实了Naresh2012年对我的预言。

我只能传授我有的东西 - 天赐的商业才能和我过去作为企业家的商业经验。

上帝也祝福我的家人,因为我亲眼目睹了祂兴起我的长子George在商界的工作以及他最近收购著名的马来西亚A&W Malaysia...





Sunday, February 9, 2020

Flames of Fire (Hebrews 1:7) 【火焰为仆役 (希伯来书一章7节)】

The Baptism of Fire is a Baptism of Holiness. God is a Consuming Fire and the fire is to cleanse and purify us to become vessels that can be worthy to host His manifest presence - the fire and glory to do extraordinary work for the Lord.

2 Timothy 2:20-21
“In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for extraordinary purposes and some for ordinary purposes. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for extraordinary purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” 

Romans 9:21
Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?

A man of God quotes: “What God chooses, He cleanses. What God cleanses, He molds. What God molds, He fills. What God fills, He uses.”

Our Heavenly Father does not ask for golden vessels. God asks for yielded and fully surrendered vessels –  a willing and obedient vessel (Isaiah 1:19). A yielded heart willing to honour Him with our obedience is a heart of true humility. Jesus was humble because He submitted His will completely to the Father by willing to be crucified at the Cross.

God makes His vessels flames of fire (Hebrews 1:7). We can only impart the fire or baptise others with fire if we are truly a flame of fire. Can we give a $50 note to someone if we don’t have the $50 note in our pocket?

I was invited to speak in Malaysia’s largest Church in 2017. Standing at the pulpit facing an audience of more than a thousand attendees, I obeyed the Lord by telling  the audience that I am a flame of fire with my body engulfed with His fire and glory, and added that if the senior elder/pastor would come and touch me, the fire would surge through him and throw him to the floor. The elder came to touch me and God confirmed His word by the signs that accompanied it (Mark 16:20). Fire surged through the elder and he fell to the floor. The demonstration of power (1 Corinthians 2:4-5) opened the hearts of the attendees to receive God’s blessing.

Hosting His fire makes us bold, fearless in having such great faith to issue such a challenge in front of a huge audience as it was my first speaking engagement in that church. We will win the world for Jesus if we can be so engulfed in His manifest presence and obey Him with faith and boldness.

May this message bless you.

Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries,
California, USA.

Feb 9, 2020

火的洗礼是圣洁的洗礼。上帝是烈火,而火焰是要净化和洁净我们,让我们能够成为配的承载祂荣耀同在的器皿 - 火和荣耀为耶和华做非凡的工作。

 “在大户人家,不但有金器银器,也有木器瓦器;有作为贵重的,有作为卑贱的。 人若自洁,脱离卑贱的事,就必作贵重的器皿,成为圣洁,合乎主用,预备行各样的善事。

我们的天父不要求黄金器皿。上帝要求的是完全屈服和降服与祂的器皿 - 一个愿意和服从的器皿(以赛亚书一章19节)。一个愿意用我们的顺服来荣耀他的宽容之心,是真正谦卑的心。耶稣之所以谦卑,是因为祂愿意降服与天父的旨意,愿意被钉死在十字架上。

上帝以火焰为仆役(希伯来书一章7)。 我们自己必须成为火焰才能分赐火或为他人以火施洗。如果我们口袋里没有50元,我们可以给别人50美元吗?

2017年,我受邀在马来西亚最大的教会分享。站在面对一千多名听众的讲台上,我顺从上帝像众人说我是烈火,我的身体被他的火和荣耀吞没了,并补充说,如果长老/牧师过来抚摸我,火会涌入他,将他抛到地板上。长老上前来抚摸我,神通过奇事证实了祂的话(马可福音十六章20节)。 火涌入那长老的身体,他跌倒在地。大能的示范(哥林多前书二章45节)打开了会众的心,让他们领受了上帝的祝福。


