Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Great Commission - Power of Media 【大使命 - 媒体的力量】

I seldom have people requesting to be my Facebook friend and prior to 2019, I had about 800 FB friends. In 2019, there was a sudden surge of ministers of God sending me friend requests so I carefully picked those who lead churches or ministries. 

Now, with about 5000 FB friends and 1500 followers world wide, I receive a lot of invitations and calls which I am unable to attend to because of the sheer volume. Many ministries desire to associate with AOF and also attend our school.

Some of them have shared that the anointing came upon them when they read my Facebook postings. Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

We cannot and should not be silent. This is a command of the Great Commission to bear witness for Him and save the unsaved.

As I am writing this, many are requesting to be my friends not because I am a celebrity but because they are hungry for the manifest Presence of God.

This period of rest, I did a google search and was indeed surprised beyond measure that the Arsenal of Fire book is available in the Singapore National Library Board.

Media is such an awesome platform that will bridge connections to spread the gospel to the unsaved .. especially in our calling to raise up firestarters in advancing His kingdom rapidly in these last days... Praise God and all glory to Him!

Exciting times are ahead of us. 😊

Bless you with this link...Are we flammable or fireproof? - Reinhard Bonnke.

God bless you!

Paul K P Ang 洪 光 炳
Arsenal of Fire Ministries
California, USA

Feb 20, 2020

很少有人要求加我成为他们脸书的朋友。在2019年之前,我大约有800个脸书朋友。 而在2019年,突然有许多上帝的仆人向我发送了朋友的要求,因此我精心地挑选了领导教会或事工的人。

现在,我在全球约有5000个脸书朋友和1500个关注者,我收到了很多邀请和电话。由于邀请的数量很多,我无法全都参于。 许多事工都希望与环球烈火军火库事工合作并参加我们的学校。

他们中的一些人分享说,当他们读我在脸书的帖文时,恩膏降在他们身上。 使徒行传一章8节说:但圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必得着能力,并要在 耶路撒冷  犹太 全地,和 撒马利亚 ,直到地极,作我的见证。我们不能也不应该保持沉默。 这是大使命的命令,要我们为祂作见证并拯救未得救的人。



媒体是一个非常好的平台,它将架起桥梁,将福音传播给未得救的人。特别是我们被呼召兴起烈火启动者,以在末日迅速的使祂的国度迅速地前进 …… 赞美上帝,并将所以的荣耀归给祂!

激动人心的时刻即将到来。  😊

用这个链接来祝福你 ... 我们是易燃的还是防火的?布永康上帝祝福您!



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