Thursday, December 26, 2019

Season Greetings - Faith 【季节的问候 - 信心】

Here’s a Message of Faith to encourage you. 

David had such great faith in the Lord that he told King Saul in 1 Samuel 17:37, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine...”

The small sized, 17 years old David faced Goliath, who taller than 9 feet, and told him in 1 Samuel 17:45-46”, You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.”

In 2004, despite being dissuaded, I went by faith to a Chinese Seminary in California. I was then a very young believer in the faith standing next to theological giants in the school. I was spiritually hungry and desired to receive the anointing for healing and the gift of tongues. These were the treasures of silver and gold which I was seeking BUT God saw my faith and gave me a very precious DIAMOND instead... the awesome, precious gift of hosting His manifest presence (Fire & glory). Praise God! 

As Proverbs 18:16 says, “A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.” This gift has brought in the connections, resources and the co-workers and associates wherever God sends us to minister. All glory to God!

Blessed Christmas to all of you .. 2020 is a supernatural year for believers to catch the tsunami wave of blue flame to draw in the harvest.

Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Global

Dec 26, 2019



17岁的大卫个子很小,面对高9英尺的歌利亚时,在撒母耳记上十七章4546节中对他说:你来攻击我,是靠着刀枪和  戟;我来攻击你,是靠着万军之耶和华的名,就是你所怒骂带领以色列 军队的 神。今日耶和华必将你交在我手里。我必杀你,斩你的头,又将非利士军兵的尸首给空中的飞鸟、地上的野兽吃,使普天下的人都知道以色列中有神;

2004年,尽管遭到劝阻,我还是凭着信心去了加利福尼亚州的一家中文神学院。那时,我还是一个很年轻的信徒,和神学院里的神学巨人一起。 我灵里非常的饥渴,希望能得到医治的恩膏和说方言的恩赐。这些是我寻求的银和金的宝藏,但上帝看到了我的信心,就给了我一个非常珍贵的钻石…… 就是承载祂荣耀的同在的宝藏(火与荣耀)。 赞美神!

正如箴言十八章16节所说:人的礼物为他开路,引他到高位的人面前。” 无论上帝将我们送往何处服侍,这个礼物都带来了联系,资源以及同事和同伴。 一切荣耀归于上帝!




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