Here is an awesome testimony to encourage all of you. 😊
When the Holy Fire was surging into my entire physical body for few years through my right palm, I was lifted up in the Spirit above the clouds to witness a glorious blue laser light beaming through my spirit. It was awesome as God was preparing my readiness for our Arsenal of Fire Ministries (Jeremiah 50:25). Praise God!
God was cleansing & purifying His vessel to host His fire and glory as in Hebrews 1:7-And of the angels He says: “Who makes His angels spirits And His ministers a flame of fire.”
Displaying His vessel as a flame of fire to demonstrate His awesome power through an unusual ‘Show & Tell’, this ministry has blown the minds of pastors and highly anointed ministers of God by sending a strong message that He is hastening His works in these last days, pouring a far greater measure of His fire and glory upon His people, and that He is doing new things (Isaiah 43:19).
Malachi 3:2, “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner's fire And like launderers’ soap.”
Carrying His fire and glory, this ministry becomes ‘a state of the art’, a model for His creation to move in the 4th wave of the Holy Spirit. God has been connecting us with His people by giving them dreams of the fire that is to come. Here are two testimonies vide the link below:-
May God be glorified through this sharing!
Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Global
May 5, 2018
火焰 (希伯来书1:7)
上帝洁净并净化祂的器皿,就如希伯来书1:7那样承载祂的火与荣耀 - “论到使者,又说:神以风为使者, 以火焰为仆役;”
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