Global Arsenal of Fire Ministries calling and mission is to raise up end time disciples of Christ to be ‘Fire Starters’ or ‘Torchbearers’ to carry His fire and glory to the ends of the earth, with rapid fire and quick ignition to deliver, heal and transform lives - to shine for Jesus.
A video introduction of the global ministries of Arsenal of Fire vide the link below:-
The purpose of our website and Facebook Page is share and spread what God has put in our hearts. Our book, “The Arsenal of Fire” explains our ministries in detail, reflecting God’s end time desire, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” Habakkuk 2:14.
His light will clear the dark and doubtful minds and draw many of His people, especially the ones with calling, to receive His light and fire so that their lives and ministries will be supernaturally empowered, full of passion and purity, fearless and mighty to bring a swift transformation of lives because time is short and Jesus is coming back for His beautiful Bride soon! Hallelujah!
Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries
California, USA
February 4, 2018
God always use a man or a woman for His purpose in this last days You fits His divine purpose
ReplyDeleteThe Entrance of His light brings obedience and a desire for Him.