If you are willing to be a testimony for Jesus, He will make you a testimony for His glory. My life is an awesome testimony for Jesus on how He has transformed me from a worldly businessman to a man of God. Praise God!
In Sacramento, the capital city of California, we were invited to a home fellowship where we had the privilege to meet for the first time, 3 American elderly mature saints who are Apostles/Prophets. One of them, Bishop George, told me then that he had a word from the Lord for me that I carry His fire and glory. As I carry His fire and glory, I need not do anything but remain still as the fire and glory will fight for me.
His word was given to me vide the link below:
His message has encouraged me and provided deep insight on an answer which I needed: I have often wondered why some people just cannot stare at my eyes or they will fall under the power of God when they come near me or the fire will surge through them before I could pray for them. It brought my memory to 2004 when the first Caucasian speaker at a seminary in California gave me a word that since I came by faith, God would bestow me with a rare gift.
Exodus 34:29-30 (The Radiant Face of Moses), “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him.”
His fire and glory are very rare treasures and precious gifts that God gives to His Church. The fire and glory are His manifest presence. Saul had His manifest presence. But his disobedience caused His manifest presence to depart from him, though the gift of prophecy remained with Saul (1 Samuel 16:14).
The Gifts of the Spirit are irrevocable but the manifest presence of His glory can depart from a person.
I quote Tommy Teney: “Moses knew the difference between the anointing and the glory. He had the anointing of God. He knew the thrill of working miracles and signs and wonders through the anointing. Moses had a good thing, but he asked God for the best thing. He said, "Please show me Your glory.”
“The difference between the anointing of God and the glory of God is like the difference between the tiny blue spark of static electricity and the raw power of a 440-volt power line overhead or having a lightning strike on your head.”
We must have the manifest presence of God Himself on display for the world."
Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Ministries.
California, USA.
September 30, 2017
携带神荣耀同在的彰显 - 第二部分
如果你愿意作耶稣的见证,祂将使你成为祂荣耀的见证。 我的生命就是一个令人赞叹的见证: 耶稣是如何把我从一个世俗的商人变成属神的人。赞美神!
在加州的首府萨克拉门托(Sacramento), 我们受邀到一个家庭团契, 在那里有幸首次与三位美国年长成熟的圣徒见面, 他们都是使徒或先知。其中一位,乔治主教, 对我说他有从主而来的话语要告诉我,就是: 我携带着神的烈火和荣耀。既然我携带着祂的烈火和荣耀, 我并不需要做任何事情,只要保持平静, 那烈火和荣耀将要为我争战。
他的信息鼓励了我,并为我所需要的答案提供了深刻的见解: 我常常想知道,为什么有些人不能盯着我的眼睛, 或者当他们靠近我时就会被神的能力击倒, 又或者在我为他们祷告之前,烈火已在他们里面猛烧起来。 这让我想起在2004年在加州一间神学院里遇见的第一位白人讲师 所给我的话语:既然我已经凭信心来到这里, 神会赐予我一份稀有的礼物。
出埃及记34:29-30(摩西面皮发光):“ 摩西手里拿着两块法版下西奈山的时候, 不知道自己的面皮因耶和华和他说话就发了光。 亚伦和以色列众人看见摩西的面皮发光,就怕挨近他。”
祂的烈火和荣耀是神给祂的教会非常罕见的珍宝和宝贵的恩赐。 烈火和荣耀是祂荣耀同在的彰显。扫罗曾经有过神同在的彰显。 但他的不顺服使神的荣耀彰显离开他, 尽管预言的恩赐仍然保留在扫罗身上(撒母耳记上16:14)。
我引用湯米·坦尼(Tommy Tenney)的话:”摩西知道恩膏和荣耀的不同。 他有神的恩膏。他晓得藉著恩膏行异能神迹奇事的刺激感。 摩西有一件好东西,但他求神最好的东西。他说:“ 求袮显出袮的荣耀给我看。”
神的恩膏与荣耀的分别, 就如一小点蓝色静电的火花与440伏特的架空电缆或是雷击在你头 上的能量的分别。