Sunday, September 16, 2018

Outreach Mission of Arsenal of Fire Global 【环球烈火军火库事工的外展事工】

The Arsenal of Fire Global’s calling and mission is to raise up end time disciples of Christ to be ‘Fire Starters’ or ‘Torchbearers’ to carry His fire and glory to the ends of the earth, with rapid fire and quick ignition to deliver, heal and transform lives - to shine for Jesus, with the first ‘School of Fire Starters’ commencing on February 18, 2019.

The purpose of the School of Fire Starters is:-

 1.  to bring the fire of the Holy Spirit back to the church, which is supposed to be an altar. A soulish and intellectual church is not what the Apostles built in the New Testament era. It does not bear the spiritual DNA of Paul the apostle. He would not recognize the churches he pioneered if he were to visit them today. He would say this is not what a church was intended to be.

 2.  to rise up the last-days warrior army of the Lord, to be launched into the battle field so as to snatch back all that have been stolen by the enemy. God is forming an army out of a valley of dead dry bones. They will march across the earth to do great exploits for the Lord.

They will walk with powerful anointing - cleansed and purified by the fire of God and they will be so drawn to their first love – Jesus Christ and they will be so consumed by the love of God, which conquers all. The love and compassion of Jesus Christ will come upon them and they will minister with the heart of God that will “bind up the broken-hearted; open the eyes of the blind; set the captives; and deliver those in bondages.” (Isaiah 61).

They will endure much for His Name sake, being persecuted, rejected, accused, abused, misjudged and forsaken. But the glory of God will shine through them. “Christ in us, the hope of Glory.” (Colossians 1:27), putting the manifest presence of God Himself on display for the world.  

 3.  to impart spiritual gifts, the Lion of Judah’s anointing and the Baptism of Fire in a demonstration of a ‘Show & Tell’ with signs and wonders accompanying.

Praise God and all glory to Him!

Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Global

September 16, 2018

"I pray that this sharing will strengthen your faith and stir you to spread the Fire of God. If you have been blessed by the sharing of our blog articles and testimonies and desire to partner with us to spread this Fire, please consider sowing into this ministry. You may do so through the link below. We thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you!”



1. 把圣灵的火带回众教会,这原本该是一个祭坛。一个充满血气和人的头脑智慧的教会不是使徒在新约时代所建立的。它不含有使徒保罗的属灵基因。如果使徒保罗今天去参观这类型的教会,他将不会承认这是他开创的教堂。他会说这不是教会的初衷。




3. 透过示范 + 讲解”的明证和神迹奇事的伴随来分赐属灵恩赐,犹大狮子的恩膏和火的洗礼。





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