Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Price of Hosting the Manifest Presence of His Glory / 承载祂有形荣耀的代价

When Esther and I were willing to pair up in the ‘the Lion & the Lamb’ ministry, we were just too naive to think that we would not be humiliated, mocked and discredited by worldly Christians lacking in complete love and joy of the Lord and not in complete union with God to see from the mind of Christ.

As a result, we unknowingly caused our beloved Christian brothers and sisters to commit grave sins as some were judging and discrediting us from outward appearance, insulting the Spirit of Grace Who was resting upon us (Hebrews 10:29, 2 Peter 2:10-12, Jude 1:8-10).

There had been so many signs that the Lord was resting upon us, in us and with us and doing His works through us.

For example, I was once prompted to address a huge audience, stating that my body was a flame of fire (Hebrews 1:7) and that if their top leader were to touch me, the glory of God resting upon me would surge through him, throwing him to the floor. It was a challenge that came to pass when God faithfully confirmed His word, much to the amazement of the congregation of the well-known church that had invited us to speak for the first time.

On another occasion, I sneaked into a meeting conducted by a renowned prophet in a seminary. After the meeting, the prophet, whom I met for the first time, called me to the altar to receive a word from the Lord. After he had finished delivering a message to me, he handed over the microphone to me, asking me to pray for him. Before I could finish the second sentence of my prayer, the power of God threw him onto the floor. With the guest speaker on the floor, the president of the Seminary then told me to minister to the congregation.

In the recent international conference in Jerusalem, the hosting pastor who observed that we do not have any notes with us, went to move the pulpit away, and was himself swept by the fire of God when nobody had even touched him or prayed for him.

This is the privilege that we enjoy in drinking from His cup and with our body hosting the manifest presence of His glory. It is also a high price to pay for such a rare privilege of being His vessels of honour, that people could see His light shining out from us.

May the Lord be glorified through the sharing of this message!

Ps Paul K P Ang
Arsenal of Fire Global

April 11, 2018







最近在耶路撒冷举行的一次国际会议上,主办单位的牧师观察到我们站讲台没有牵带任何笔记,当他要把讲台移到一旁。就在这一刻神的火触摸到他(并 没有人为他祷告),神的火就把他击倒。





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